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I would like to thank apple6225 for helping with the decision of the wolfs name and looks!


Runt stepped into the clearing to see another wolf that Runt immediately realized was injured. Runt remembered  smelling blood before but he had thought nothing of it. Runt carefully walked towards her and tilted his head asking permission to come closer. She looked at him for a second then gave him permission to come closer.

Runt found out that the wolfs injury was from an extremely large thorn that had worked its way deep into her paw. Runt helped get the thorn out then Runt had helped clean the wound. After Runt asked "what's your name?"

She replied "My name is Autumn"

Runt smiled a wolfy smile and caught her a squirrel because she looked hungry. Runt looked up at the sky to notice that in was getting dark. Runt quietly made them a bed because there wasn't enough time to make two beds. They snuggled up and the last thing Runt thought of before he fell asleep was how soft her fur was.

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