Chapter 36

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(Still Chelsea's POV):

"Hey, I just got home." I said as I set my red 'Chanel' purse on my white kitchen island and set my keys next to it.

"I should be over soon, I just had to stop at Starbucks to get us some coffees." Megan responded, sounding distracted, like she was in the middle of doing something.

"Alright, well I will see you soon then." I said, smiling as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

The muffled sound of "see you soon" from Megan came out of my phones speakers as I pressed the red 'end' button on my phone and set my phone on the counter. I walked out of the kitchen area and stood in front of the grand white staircase. The house was extremely quiet, which was not normal for my family, since we were normally so loud, we wouldn't expect the word 'quiet' to be in any of our vocabularies.

"Hey, im home." I shouted up the staircase. My voice echoed as I stood right in front of the first step, waiting for a response. "Is anyone else home?" I asked, after standing in silence for a minute.

I looked around and then decided to go up the stairs and look for anyone. "Dad? Sierra? Monica?" I yelled as I made it to the top of the stairs, my voice bouncing off the walls. "Anyone?" I asked after getting frustrated.

I looked down the empty hallway and shrugged, guessing they were all just out to a fancy lunch, or playing golf, the usually things my family is out doing. I turned to my door and twisted the knob. As I pushed the door open a cool breeze immediately hit me, sending shivers down my spine and putting bumps on my bare arms. I looked around at my room in search for the place where the cold air was entering and before my eyes landed on the window. My window was slightly propped open and my curtains were tied on each side of the window with the gold strings that came with the curtains. I walked over to the window, my bedroom floor creaking when I stepped on certain parts of the floor. I got over to the window and quickly shut it, slightly jumping when the window made a loud thump.

"I don't remember opening the window this morning." I said to myself before I decided to just shrug it off and move on. I took one more glance out my window that faced the back yard. I looked down at the brick patio and the garden in my backyard as I played with one of the tassels at the end of the curtains gold string. I continued to look at my back yard until I saw the large black side gate outside was slightly opened, instead of being tightly locked like it normally was. "Megan." I said before I pulled my curtains closed again and walked out of my bedroom.

"Megan, are you here?" I asked as I went down the stairs. I heard the sliding glass back door slide shut. "Hey, you got here quicker than I thought!" I joked as I walked down the long white hallway to get to the back door. Megan didn't respond, which was weird, but I just thought she was trying to surprise me.

"Megan?" I asked before I turned the corner and saw the person standing in front of my back door.

"Not Megan." The lady snickered as she pulled her cardigan closer to her body, I was guessing she was cold.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped, not interested in playing whatever game she wanted to play.

"Chelsea, you are my daughter, I wanted to say goodbye before you went back to Rhode Island." My mother said, giving me the sweet smile she used to give me as a child, the smile that use to make me giggle because I loved my mom so much, the smile that now made my stomach do a one-eighty.

"Oh, well goodbye. Thanks for stopping by, but i'll have to ask you to leave, I have company coming over." I said coldly, trying to make her leave.

"At least let me say goodbye, especially since I wasn't able to say goodbye to Sierra before she left." She said, giving me a fake-frown on purpose.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused on what she was talking about, "Their plane hasn't left yet."

"Didn't your father tell you? They decided to go early, well I decided for them to go early."

"What? Why? It's none of your business when they leave." I said in a snippy tone.

"But it is, you see Chelsea, I have to leave in an hour on my flight, and there was no way I was going to be able to say goodbye to you one last time with your helicopter dad and his wannabe-redheaded fiance." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Please don't tell me you're going back to Rhode Island, too!" I gasped.

"No. Germany." She said as she looked at the painting of a greek women holding grapes on our wall.

"Germany? Why?" I asked, I wasn't complaining, I wanted my mother out of my life as much as the next guy, but I didn't understand why she would choose Germany instead of somewhere that she knew people, or that her other family was at.

"Because sweetie, nobody knows who I am in Germany, so I don't have to sneak around anymore, I can start a new life!" She grinned.

"I think that's a great idea." I nodded. Although everything with my mom recently has been like going through hell or high water, she was still my mom, and somewhere in my heart i knew i loved her.

"Thank you, Chelsea. But I wanted to say goodbye before I go." She said as she took a few steps closer to me. I felt the urge to take a few steps back so i could keep my distance from her, but it felt like my feet where glued to the ground.

She lifted her hand and slowly moved it down my cheek. "I love you." She whispered as a small tear streamed down her cheek. She then quickly removed her hand and walked towards the door before I could say anything back to her. "Take care of your sister for me, please." She said before she slipped out my back door and made her way across the patio and to the side gate. She walked through the gate and pulled it closed, looking back at me as I stood next to my glass back door. She gave me a small weak smile before she turned and walked away, disappearing. 

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