Chapter 25

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My mouth was wide open, and it seemed as if everything that I had been thinking about had all disappeared out of my mind once I saw her standing in front of me. My mom.

"Chelsea." She said with a calm tone. "We've been waiting for your arrival. And I see you've brought friends!" She smiled.

My mom continued to stay open, as I tried to convince myself this wasn't actually happening, that this all was just a dream. "Well what are you all waiting for? Come in, please!" She said as she stepped out of the way of the doorway.

For some reason I couldn't move, it was almost like my feet were glued to the ground. I looked back at my friends and Sierra, they all had the same expression I did, but Sierra had tears in her eyes. "Who are you?" I asked, even though she looked exactly like my mom, I remember the day my mom died.

"It's me, Chelsea." She said as she gave me a small smile. "please come in, it must be a little cold out there and Francis is making some tea for all of us."

I felt Romeo's hand on my shoulder, so I decided to put my hand on the door as I slowly lifted my foot into the door ledge. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Romeo asked.

I but my lip and nodded as I took a step into the house. I looked back to see all three of them had followed me.

"Please, come take a seat by the fire!" My mom said to us as she took a seat in a red chair that was next to the fire, "it is nice and cozy."

We all slowly walked into the room that had the fire in it and sat in the identical red seats that had spread across the room, making half a circle. "I see an unfamiliar face." My mother said as as crossed her legs.

Sitting in the chair to the left of me was Sierra, and to the right was Romeo, and next to Sierra was Megan, and next to Romeo was my mom. "Chelsea. Sierra. Megan Carter..." My mother said as she looked at each one of us as she said our names.

"It's Megan Baker now." I said as I stared down at my boots.

"Megan Baker? Isn't that your mothers maiden name?" My mom asked.

"Can we not go into this right now, please?" I asked, finally getting sick of this small talk, "this isn't just another day where we sit around a fire and chat... You're dead."

"You thought I was." She smirked, "but I never was."

"Yes, you were. I attended your funeral, mom. I saw it all with my own eyes!" I said, raising my voice with frustration as the other three stayed silent.

"Sometimes the human eyes can fool you, my dear." She said, keeping the same calm tone she's had the whole time.

"I want answers." I stated, causing my moms eyes to widen. I looked over at Sierra who had a painful look of disbelief and confusing on her face, "we want answers."

"I had to do something!" My mother finally said after a pause of silence. Her calm tone was replaced by one that had frustration in it.

"Do something about what?" I asked.

"Our lives were in danger." My mom said as she looked me directly in the eyes.

"How?" I asked.

"A lady named Monica, if you ever hear that name, you stay away!" My mom said. The loving feeling I normally got from her now felt very uncomfortable.

"She's marrying our dad." I said, confused.

"Then you stay away from your dad too."

"And how would we ever do that, mom? Because not even five minutes ago we didn't even have a mother!" I said as anger started to take over my body.

"I didn't ask you to come here so you could give me a life lesson, Chelsea! We need your help!" My mom said as she uncrossed her legs and slouched over.

"We?" I asked.

"As in your mother and I." Francis, the lady from the hospital this morning said as she walked through the wooden door with five cups of tea on her silver platter.

"Why do you need our help?" I asked as Francis handed me a cup of tea.

"I want to come back to Rhode Island." She smiled as she took a little sip of tea out of her orange tea cup.

"Rhode Island?" I asked, confused. "You can't!"

"Why not?" She asked as she crossed her legs.

"I don't know, maybe because half of the people in Rhode Island attended your funeral?!" I said, getting upset with my mom.

"Oh like they would remember, Chelsea! I came to England so I could find you... Both of you!" She said as she looked from me to Sierra with a small smile on her face.

"We thought you were dead." I said, choking up. "A lot of people did."

"I had to do what I had to do!" My mom said as she slammed her tea cup on the counter.

"You couldn't tell us? Let us know? You couldn't save us all the pain and the nights when we would just cry?" I shouted as I stood up.

"My plan wouldn't have worked if I told you!" She shouted as she stood up.

"Oh yes, mom." I yelled, "because this is all a game to you! Your death... A game! Well maybe I don't want to be apart of your little game!"

I looked over at Sierra first, she looked absolutely heartbroken. Then I looked at Megan, she looked really confused, like she was in a dream or something as she tightly held the tea in her hands, not drinking it, just holding it with a tight grip in her hands. And then, Romeo. He sat there confused, like he didn't know if this was all just a dream, or reality.

"You think this is a game?" My mom asked. "I'm not a child, I don't play "games", Chelsea!" I could hear the anger in her voice, it was very clear.

"You had to do what you had to do to keep us out of danger," I said as I walked over to Sierra and out my hands on her shoulders, "but now I have to do what I have to do to keep up out of danger." I said as Sierra stood up.

"What do you mean?" My mom asked as she finally set her tea on the wooden side table next to her.

I looked over at Megan and Romeo and they both nodded in agreement, "we're leaving." I said as we all stood up and walked to the door.

"No, Chelsea, please don't go, I beg you!" My mom said as she stood up and followed us as we quickly made our way to the door.

"You can't go!" Francis shouted from behind us as I quickly swung the door open and stepped out into the cool England air.

"We can't leave her." Sierra said as she looked up at me with tear-filled eyes as we walked to my car.

"Yes we can, we have to move on." I said as I opened my car door and got in, "we've moved on before, we have to do it again."

"But what if I don't want to move on?" Sierra asked, she looked like she wanted to cry, but was trying her hardest to keep it together.

"I promise you, Sierra." I said as I turned and looked at her before I started the car, "we can do it." I said as I gave her a weak smile, "we can do it." I whispered as I started to back out of the driveway.

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