Chapter 35

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(Still Chelsea's pov):

A large restaurant was across from the park, the name "Leyvua's" was on a sign in a pretty bubbly script. "This is Leyvua's." Romeo said as he held the door open for Ethan and I. "It's one of my mums favorite restaurants, and I thin you'll like it too, Chelsea."

"Aw, thank you." I smiled as I walked into the dimly lit restaurant. It was filled with a lot of red. Red movie theater like curtains hanging on the windows with gold tassels hanging from the bottoms, red tables with black chairs that had red cushions and gold detailing, it was all so pretty.

"Name?" The lady at the desk asked, looking down at the black leather booklet that was laid down in front of her on the black polished desk.

"Beckham, Romeo." Romeo said, his hands in his pants pockets.

"Alright, follow me please." The lady said as she grabbed three menus and walked us back to our table. "Do you need another chair?" She asked when we made it to our table.

"Yes please." Romeo said as he sat down in the one chair.

The lady brought another chair over and Ethan and I both sat down, starting to examine the menu. "This all looks soooo good." I smiled as I looked at some of the choices on the menu, trying to decide what I wanted to order.

"My favorite is the salmon." Romeo smiled as he closed his menu and folded his hands together on the table.

"Are you guys ready to order, or do you need some more time?" A waitress dressed in all black asked as she walked up to us.

Romeo looked at me and I nodded, I was pretty sure I would just get the salmon like Romeo, just to be nice. "I think we're ready to order." Romeo said.

"Alright, what can I get for you, sir?" The waitress asked, looking at Romeo.

"I'll take the salmon, please." Romeo said, handing his menu to her after he order.

"And for you?" The waitress asked, looking at Ethan after she wrote down Romeo's order.

"Can I have your chicken Alfredo, please?" Ethan asked as he shut his menu and handed it to the waitress. Her shirt read, "Annabelle" on it.

"sure thing!" Annabelle smiled before she turned to me and smiled at me, "and for you, Miss?" She asked.

"Um, I'll actually have chicken alfredo too, please." I said, smiling at Ethan.

"Great, that should be out for all of you shortly." She said, smiling before she took all the menus and walked away.

"So are you just having a lazy day where you relax for your last day in London?" Romeo asked as he took a sip of his water. A lemon was sinking to the bottom of his red cup as he sipped his water through the clear straw.

"Well actually," I said, smiling at Ethan, "since Ethan's last day in England is tomorrow, I am delaying my flight until tomorrow night and Ethan and I are throwing a going away party!" I said, happiness spreading across my whole body.

"Well that sounds fun." Romeo said as he swirled his straw around in his water.

"Yeah, you can come if you want." I offered.

"Okay, what time?" Romeo asked as he finally stopped playing with his straw. I glanced over at Ethan and he was now taking a drink of his water.

"Six o'clock, my house." I smiled. "Oh, and make sure you dress up."

"So it's a fancy party?" Romeo joked.

"Of course." I giggled as I watched the lady bring out our plates of food. "I mean, we decided to go big since it's my last day ever in England, unless I visit."

"Well of course you'll come and visit me, right!" Romeo joked.

"Totally." I smiled.

The lady set down our plates in front of us and told us to enjoy our food, which was followed by three 'thank you's', from the three of us.

"You'll definitely be missed here in England!" Romeo frowned as he started to cut into his salmon, making sure to cut them into skinny, even pieces.

"But well be really happy to have you back in Rhode Island." Ethan said, shooting a small grin at me.

"I've missed Rhode Island, but I'm going to miss England."


"You mean to tell me I should leave my sixteen year old daughter alone in England to throw a party?" My dad barked into the phone. I could tell he was stressed from having to pack everything up and make sure he didn't miss a thing.

"Pleaseeeee dad!" I begged into the phone as I looked through more dresses.

"I'll be with her, Mr. Kennedy." Megan said into the phone.

"Let me think about it." My dad responded before hanging up.

"That means yes." I said as I turned and smiled at Megan.

"I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed that you're deciding to throw a little going away party, I mean obviously I had to stay in London for that!" Megan joked.

"It wasn't even my idea!" I giggled.

"It was Ethan's." Megan smirked.

"Yes, it was. But I'm worried Romeo and Ethan won't get along, they didn't even talk at all at lunch today." I said with a concerned look on my face, "I mean like all they said was 'bye' to each other when we all left to go our separate ways!"

"Who cares?" Megan asked, "I mean, tomorrow we are all going to get on a plane, me, you and Ethan, and nobody is going to care about rich boy Romeo."

"Hey, don't be mean to Romeo, he didn't do anything to you!"

"I know." Megan sighed, "I'm just saying."

"I know, just I can't wait to get back to Rhode Island." I frowned. "I'm kind of home-sick, if you know what I mean."

Megan stopped flipping through dresses and put her hand on my back, "I know what you mean, Chels. But just one more day, then we'll be back in Rhode Island."

"I can't wait." I laughed. "Just everything in England has been one big headache for me."

"I know." Megan frowned. "But hey, I think you could totally rock this dress, Chels. You should totally try it on." Megan said, pulling a navy blue dress of the rack and handing it to me.

"Really?" I laughed as I took the dress from her hands.

"C'mon, I know you want to!" Megan joked.

"Fine, just for you, Megan." I laughed as I walked to the dressing room.

"One day til Rhode Island, try to smile until then." Megan said as she parted me on the back before I shut the dressing room curtain.

"One more day." I whispered to myself with my eyes shut, trying to put myself in a better mood. "One more day."


Sorry for skipping around so much, I'm just really excited to get to a good part!! hope you're enjoying the book so far!!:) xoxo

Golden Boy. (Romeo Beckham fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora