Chapter 19

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"Chelsea, wake up!" Megan said, continuously hitting me with her pillow.

"I'm up, i'm up!" I said as i put my hand up to try to stop the pillow from hitting me in the face.

"Are you really?" She asked, as she stopped hitting me with the pillows and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Is going back to sleep an option?" I asked, giving her a dirty look.

"Nope, you have forty-five minutes before you have to meet your dad at your favorite cafe downtown." She said, smiling.

"Yeah... pass." I said, laying back down.

"C'mon! Just go do it!" She said, starting to hit me with the pillow again.

"Okay, okay, i'll get up!" I sighed as i slowly got off the bed and walked to my suitcase.

"When you get back we can unpack all of your bags." Megan said as she held her knees to her chest on her bed.

"That would be nice." i joked as i grabbed a pair of shorts and a light pink-ish sweater.

"Bathrooms down the hall." Megan yelled from her bedroom as i walked out of her bedroom down the hall. "Your house is like completely made of wood and decorated with wood." i laughed.

"Tell me about it." I heard Megan say from her bedroom.

I went to the bathroom and changed into my clothes, then i went back to Megan's room to grab my white high-top converse and grabbed my brown cross-body bag.

"Are you nervous?" Megan asked as i started to quickly straighten my blonde hair in her wooden vanity mirror.

"Eh, not really, it's just my dad." I shrugged.

"I thought that would be the reason you were scared..." She said, criss-crossing her legs instead of holding them.

"I don't have any respect for him, so for all i know this is just a big waste of time."

"Oh, Chelsea!" Megan said as she got up and walked over to me, "you'll be fine, i promise." She smiled as she put her hands on my shoulder and slightly shook them.

"Thanks, Meg." I said as i put my right hand on her left hand.

"Now go before you're late!" She giggled.

"I would completely bail on him if it was an option!" I said, opening up her door and walked to the stairs.

"Well it's not, so... go!" She said, giving me a little shove as i walked down the stairs to her door.

"Goodbye, Megan!" I said as i opened up the door.

"Bye, Chels!" She responded.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Baker!" I shouted to Megan's mom who was watching 'Dr. Phil' in their T.V room.

"Goodbye, Chelsea!" She said as she turned and smiled at me.

I walked out the door and unlocked my car. I got in and turned it on before i checked my phone, it was 8:49 so i still had enough time to get to the cafe by 9, since it was only an eight minute drive.


I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my phone out of the cup-holder. I got out my car and clicked my key fob to lock my car as i walked up to the small cafe's front door.

The bell dinged as i walked in and i saw my dad already sitting down and sipping his coffee that was in front of him.

I walked up to the booth and sat on the opposite side of him with my hands folded on the table.

"Chelsea." He said as he set his coffee cup down on the table, "i didn't think you would show up."

"I didn't want to, but Megan convinced me." I said, avoiding eye contact with him.

"So that's where you are staying right now." He said, taking another sip of his coffee, "would you like a coffee, or anything?" He asked me, as the waitress walked towards us.

"a water." I said, looking down at my hands and my finger nails that were painted a light pink color.

"She'll take a water, please." My dad said to the waitress as she nodded and walked away.

"Why did you call me here? Why did you want to meet?" I asked, looking him in the eyes for the first time since we've been here.

"I'm getting married soon." He said as the waitress said down the water in front of me, and i thanked her.

I took a sip of the cold water through the straw, "so I've heard."

"And Monica would like both you and Sierra to be her bridesmaids."

"Thanks for the offer, but i'll have to decline." I said, coldly.

"Please, Chelsea." He begged.

"I'm really busy, i'm afraid i wont even be able to attend." I shrugged, giving a fake frowny face, that my dad knew was fake because i made it obvious.

"Come on, you wouldn't miss your own father's wedding, would you?" He asked.

"Are you sure you want the answer to that question? Because I don't think you will be very happy with it once i say it!" I said, giving him a heads up.

"Chelsea, your mother would want you to attend."

"Oh yes, because my mother thought so highly of you during the last part of her life, right?" I shot back at him.

"All i'm going to say, is that the dress fitting is tomorrow at noon, and Sierra will also be there, so please consider it." He said, folding his hands like i had done when i first got there.

"i have already made up my mind, but thanks for the offer." I said as i got up and dropped two dollars on the table as i walked towards the door, away from my dad.

"Chelsea," I heard him say as i walked out of the door, but i didn't even turn to look at him, he meant nothing to me.

As i was walking in the parking lot, looking at my shoes and processing all that just happened, and everything my dad said, i ran into someone. "Oh, i'm so sorry." I said, trying to rush past the person so i could get to my car and drive as far away from my dad as i could.

"Chelsea?" The deep male voice said, causing me to turn around and look at them.

"Romeo?" I responded as i stared at him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked, walking closet to me.

"Um, uh, i...i was just meeting someone here for lunch." I said, trying to avoid telling him i had met my dad here.

"Oh, that's nice." He smiled, "Hey, are you okay? You haven't been at practice for two days and the whole teams really worried. We miss you, Chelsea."

Soccer. I haven't been to soccer practice in two days. I just have had so much going on that i completely forgot all about soccer and other basic things i usually would spend my time thinking about.

"Oh. Yeah, i just have been a little preoccupied!" I smiled. I turned around and started to walk away, until i decided to make a decision that was really going to affect my life in more ways than one.

I looked at Romeo who had also turned around and was starting to walk towards the sidewalk that lead to the Cafe's front door. "Actually," I said, causing Romeo to turn around and look at me, "I'm quitting the soccer team."

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