Chapter 17

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"Oh my gosh, Megan! How long does it take you to get ready? I'm going to be a grandmother by the time you're finished!" I shouted into the bathroom door as Megan was getting ready inside of the bathroom.

"I should be done by the time you pop out a few little Beckham babies!" She joked, i could hear her giggled inside.

"You are not funny, Megan!" I shouted, trying to make sure she could hear in my voice that i was annoyed by her comments.

"I personally think i'm hilarious." she said, confidence filling her voice.

"Mhm, totally... are you sure you can even spell hilarious though?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Wow you just love to cut me down for my spelling skills, huh?" She asked as she opened the door and stared at me.

"It's one of my favorite things to do." I said as she walked past me, bumping my shoulder as she walked past me.

"That's what you're wearing?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"Yeah..?" I said, confused on what she was trying to get at.

"Not bad, knowing you." She giggled, i looked down at the purple dress i was wearing and shrugged.

"Our friendship isn't healthy." I laughed as we walked into her room.

"That's the best part about our friendship."

"I don't know how we have stayed friends as long as we have, it's tough!" I joked.

"We've been friends eleven years, we can't give up now."

"Not saying i was going to give up!" I laughed.

"Oh, please! You're a giver upper and you know it, Chels!" She said as she applied lipstick to her lips.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, tapping my foot, "I don't really want to leave Romeo waiting!"

"O Romeo.." She started, putting her hand on her forehead like she was wiping off sweat.

"Don't start with the whole Romeo and Juliet crap again, please?" I asked, frowning.

"Wow a girl leaves on a vacation to Paris and comes back to a buzzkill of a bestie!" She sighed.

"A friend leaves on a vacation to Paris and comes back with clouds in her head, wake up, this isn't Paris, this is not a play that you're the lead actress of, Megan... this is real life!" i said, frustrated.

"Ouch, okay... that hurt." She joked, putting her hand on her heart.

i laughed, "look, im sorry... i've just been a little stressed recently!" i sighed.

"i understand... but don't play games with me, Chelsea... because you know i always win!" she said, getting in my face, joking around.

"i could beat you in a game." I smirked.

"Name one game you can beat me in!"

"Any type of spelling game that's out there!" I joked.

"Let it go!" She said, throwing her arms up, "alright lets go, i don't want my deodorant to wear of before we get there!" She said, lifting her arm up.

"Does it ever bug you how gross of a person you are?" I said, laughing as we went down the stairs and grabbed our coats.

"It used to, but then i was like "hey... i have noone to please so let me just act crazy until i end up in jail or a mansion..." Yah know?" She said as we walked out of the door to my car.

"Nothing in that whole sentence you just said made sense, so ill just nod my head instead of attempting to figure out the twisted things that swirl around in that cloud-filled head of yours!" I snickered as i nodded my head.

"You get me." She smiled.

"i wish i did." I laughed as we pulled out of her driveway.


We pulled into the restaurant parking lot that Romeo had chosen for us to eat dinner at. "I can't believe this is actually happening!" Megan squealed as we got out of the car and walk into the restaurants.

"Deep breaths, stay calm." I said, putting my arm on her shoulder.

"There he is!" She said, pointing to Romeo who was already sitting down and waving at us.

"Here for Mr. Romeo Beckham?" A tall brunette man asked us as we waved back to Romeo so he knew we saw him.

"Yes." I said, folding my hands in my lap.

"Come with me, please." He said, leading us back to Romeo's booth he was sitting at. Romeo was sitting on one side of the booth, and Megan and I took a seat on the other side.

"So this must be the best friend!" Romeo said, smiling at Megan.

"Megan." She said as they shook each others hands from opposite sides of the table.

"Romeo." He responded as they pulled their hands away from each other, they looked so awkward when they shook hands.

"So, do you both live in England?" Romeo asked as he looked up from his menu.

"well we both are only here for the summer, after the summer ends and soccer... well football is over, we will return to our houses in Rhode Island." I said, closing up my menu because i already figured out what i was going to order.

"Rhode Island?" Romeo asked.

"Yes, it's the state in the U.S that we live in." Megan responded.

"I've heard of it, i just had no idea that you were from there!" Romeo said as he closed his menu.

"I have lived there my whole life, except for when i have moved down here and lived in our house here in London." I smiled.

"That's great!" He said, smiling at me, "if you don't mind me asking, i know that Chelsea is here for football, but what brings you to England?" He asked, looking at Megan.

"Well i have been in Paris for most of the time, but since i knew my life-long best friend was going to be living here in England for the whole summer, i decided that i would try to convince my mother that we should find a house here." She smiled.

"And your father was okay with it?" Romeo asked,  taking a drink of his ice-cold water that was sitting in front of him.

"My dad actually died in a house fire when i was three." Megan said, staring down at her menu.

"Oh, I am very sorry for your loss, i didn't mean to bring it up and upset you." Romeo said as he frowned.

"it's okay, really!" Megan said as she looked up at Romeo and gave a weak smile. "He was a firefighter, so it's not like it was really unexpected... just heartbreaking." She frowned.

"Hi my name is Sam, can i take your orders?" The tall blonde waiter said as he stood at the end of our table with his pen in his hand.

Finally, something that can take away from the awkward "dead parents" discussion with Megan and Romeo.

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