Chapter 21

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"Take her into room 224." The lady at the front desk told the people who were rolling Megan in on the stretcher into the hospital.

"We need doctors to room 224, immediately." The lady then said into her walkie-talkie while she stood behind the front desk.

I looked down the hall as they continued to wheel Megan to her hospital room. As they turned the corner i looked back at the wall as the tears streamed down my cheeks. A black-haired lady hugged me as she patted my blonde hair. "Who are you?" I asked between sobs.

"You're Chelsea Kennedy, right?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug.

I nodded and she put her fragile hand on her cheek, "You look just like you did when you were little." She said through a small smile. "I'm Francis Dean, I used to work with your mother."

The name Francis Dean was familiar to me, i knew i had heard the name before. "Oh, well thank you." I said as i wiped a small tear off of my cheek and sniffled.

"Is that your friend?" She asked. "The one you were watching?"

"Yes, um, she's Megan, she's my best friend."

"Well i hope she is okay, dear." The lady, whose name was Francis said as she picked up the black brief case she had and walked away.

"Thank you." I quietly said as she walked through the Hospital's white double doors and disappeared out of my view.

I took a seat in one of the hospitals uncomfortable light gray chairs and folded my hand in my lap as they continued to shake from fear. "Please be okay." I kept thinking as i looked down the hall, hoping to see either Megan or her mother walk out and to me, telling me she was okay and it was just a misunderstanding - or a dream.

I looked down at the black blouse i had put on because i always thought of it as my "lucky shirt". It's stupid, i know, but my mother gave it to me when she was sick because it was her favorite, and it has always made me believe that it would give me good luck, and good luck was what i needed right now.

"Chelsea Kennedy?" The lady behind the front desk said, once again standing up from her chair holding a clipboard and pen in her hand.

"Yes?" I said as i stood up and walked towards her.

"They have a request to see you in room 136." She said as she handed me the 'guest sign-in' clipboard.

"You must be mistaken." I said confused, "My best friend Megan is in room 224."

"Here, let me check again." She said as she lifted up her walkie-talkie and asked what room i was requested in.

"136." The man said, his voice was staticky so it was kind of hard to hear what he was saying.

"He says 136, could there possibly be anyone else you know that is in this hospital right now?" She asked, grabbing manila folder out of the gray filing cabinet behind her desk.

"No, not a single person that comes to mind." I said, trying to think if there was anybody i knew that could be here.

"It says a lady with the name Elizabeth Kennedy is in room 136." She said as she flipped through a few pages on the clipboard.

"That was my mothers full name." My mother never went by her full name that often, most people called her Ellie because that was her childhood nickname.

"Well your mother would like to see you." The desk lady said as she put the manila folder she was looking through a second ago.

"No, you don't understand!" I said, raising my voice, earning me a few stares from the other people waiting in the waiting area. "My mothers dead."

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