Chapter 26

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After getting home, Romeo left and I offered for Megan to stay the night at my house, which she agreed to.

"Are you sure you're okay, Chels?" Megan asked me as I handed her a pair of my pajamas to wear to bed.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said as she grabbed the pajamas out of my hand.

"I'm gonna go change." She said as she walked to my bathroom.

"Okay." I laughed as I found a pair of pajamas for myself and put them on.

"How's Sierra?" Megan asked as she walked out of my bathroom in my pajamas.

"Not sure, she just went straight to her room after we got back." I said, frowning.

"Are you going to check on her?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, "I guess... It's only 2 am."

Megan gave me a small smile, like she was trying to act like she was proud of me. I walked out of my room and down the hall to Sierra's bedroom. I made my hand into a fist and quietly knocked twice on her door before I pulled my hand back down and waited patiently for her to open.

"Hello?" She said as she slightly opened her door and peeked out.

"It's just me." I smiled.

She opened the door wider and looked at me, she looked exhausted, but I couldn't blame her because I was too. "What's up?" She asked, trying to act like she was fine.

"I just wanted to say goodnight." I said as I smiled at her.

"Night, Chelsea." She said as she gave me a small smile which was all she could really give me right now, which was understandable.

"I love you, Sierra." I put my hand on her arm, but was taken back by how cold she was, "Sierra, you should put on a sweater, I'll go downstairs and turn the heat up for you."

"I'm fine. And love you too." She said as she started to close her door.

I stood in the hallway staring at the door that was right in front of me, knowing that there was nothing I could do right now, even though I really wanted to be able to do something, anything to make my younger sister feel better.

I whirled around and started to quietly walk down the hallway back to my room, trying not to make any noise that could wake anyone up.

As I got to my door I pushed it open and saw Megan on her phone, "how is she?" She asked as she looked up from her phone.

"She's okay." I said as I sat down at the end of my bed.

"Are you okay?" Megan asked as she locked her phone and came to sit next to me.

"I'm fine." I said, feeling my head start to fill up, which was a sign that I was getting a killer headache soon.

"Headache?" Megan asked, knowing that every time I put my hand on my forehead, it means I either have, or am getting a headache.

"Yeah." I sighed, frustrated.

"Maybe we should get some sleep, hopefully it will be gone by the time you wake up." She said as she pulled the string on my nightstand lamp and the room went pitch black.


"Miss Chelsea. Miss Chelsea." Someone continuously said over me. I opened my eyes and saw a young women, who looked about in her mid to late twenties standing over me as I laid in my bed.

"Hm? Yes?" I asked, trying to cover the light from the window with my hand.

"Sorry to wake you, but your father has requested you for dinner, and would like you dressed because you have company downstairs." She said as she stood by my bed, looking at me with her hands folded in her lap.

"Oh, okay." I said, sitting up straighter in my bed.

"By the way, I'm Charlene Royster. I was just hired." She said before she walked out of my bedroom door.

"It's nice to meet you, Charlene." I smiled as she walked out.

I turned over and looked at Megan who was still sleeping. I walked over to her and shook her until her eyes opened. "What?" She groaned.

"Get up, my dad wants us downstairs for breakfast." I said as I walked over to my door and opened it.

I listened to see if the people that were our "company" today were here yet. I couldn't hear anything, so I was guessing they haven't arrived yet.

"What time?" Megan groaned as she got up.

"I don't know... Soon." I joked.

She gave a little laugh and then walked over to my closet. "So do I get to borrow some of your "rich girl" clothes?" She smirked as she went through some of my dresses.

"Sure. Knock yourself out." I laughed as I picked out my outfit. (In media slot)

"So who is the "special guest" for breakfast?" Megan asked, smirking when she said "special guest".

"Probably just someone my dad works with." I sighed.

"You don't seem excited." She said as she finally picked out an outfit.

"It's just boring." I laughed.

"Well, were probably already running late... So go get ready!" Megan said as she pushed me.

"Okay, okay." I laughed as I walked into my bathroom so I could take a shower. "Please don't set my house on fire while I'm showering." I joked as I shut the door and started my shower and hopped in.


Authors note:

Sorry for not updating recently! I've been pretty busy with school! But more chapters are coming shortly!

Love, @queenarigrande

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