Chapter 16

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"Romeo Beckham?" Megan asked, turning around and leaning against the window sill, giving me a confused look.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Romeo Beckham," she asked, "THE Romeo Beckham?"

"Mhm. He's on my soccer team, we have hung out a couple times, announced an award together, i stayed the night at his house, no big deal." I said, playing with my hair.

"Wow, um, okay... why was i not like called as soon as this all happened?" She practically yelled.

"Yell a little louder, Megan," I joked, "maybe the neighbors will here you."

She gave me a dirty look, then she laughed. "So, tell me about him.... and don't leave a single detail out!"

"He was my partner at soccer practice, we exchanged numbers, we announced an award together, i was partners in soccer with his younger brother who is hilarious..."

"Cruz?" She said, cutting me off.


"Okay, go on." She said, still leaning against the window sill.

"David invited me over for dinner, i went with Sierra, they surprised Sierra and me by inviting my dad too, i got in a huge argument with my dad, David and Victoria invited me to stay the night, i left this morning, got my bags from home and met Monica... and now i'm here... now you're all up to date." I laughed.

"Okay, wow... a girl leaves for most of the summer and comes back to a best friend that's life completely changed... are you sure you're Chelsea?" She joked, grabbing my face and looking me in the eyes like it was a police interrogation.

"You're too close." I joked.

She stepped back and laughed, "yup... you're Chelsea."

"Glad we cleared that up." I laughed.

"So who's Monica? Is she a new friend or something?" She asked, sitting in her wooden desk chair.

"No, she's my dads fiance... my soon to be step mom." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Your dad's getting married?" She asked with her eyes wide like she couldn't believe what just came out of my mouth.

"Yeah, i'm shocked too. But this lady is totally evil... not even kidding or overreacting."

"She's evil?" She said, letting out a little giggle like i was crazy.

"um.. yeah!" I snapped, "my dad cheated on my mom with this Monica lady, it makes me sick to my stomach." I said as i clenched my stomach to make my point clear.

Golden Boy. (Romeo Beckham fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant