"Not without Jefferson. Or whatever's left of him."

"Gideon was able to help me devise a gene therapy that will hopefully restore Jefferson and those at the asylum to their former selves. If genome bonding occurs, we should know right away. Course, we would never have had the slightest chance of saving him were it not for you." Stein thanked Leonard as they overlooked Jax, hoping he would return to his normal self.

"Let's not get sentimental. Another minute, and things might have gone down very differently."

"Despite your bravado, Mr. Snart, the actions that I witnessed last night were nothing short of heroic."

The computer started beeping, they looked down at Jax, who was transforming little by little.

"It's working," Crystal smiled, as she held hands with Leonard behind her back.

Leonard was seated at the open window at the front of the ship, with Crystal cleaning up his small scratch with alcohol.

She could see the small sting in Leonard's eyes, "You know, this is a little cliché moment between us."

"Well, clichés work. That's why they become clichés." His smirked trying to not so that the alcohol affected him.

"Stop moving," Crystal got a hold of his face, "It'll only make it worse." Leonard paid attention to her command as she continued to clean him.

"My grandfather died when I was very young. What I remember are small snippets of us together. My parents gave me that letter when I was packing to leave for New Orleans. I've never opened the letter until now because all I had of him was that and some broken memories. All I wanted to do was flip a switch before something breaks that cannot be fixed. But I have to believe that even if something seems like it cannot be fixed, it doesn't mean it's broken."

Leonard grazed his fingers wiping her tears. Crystal cleared her throat quickly changing the subject, "Voilà . Not even a little scratch."

"Maybe I should get hurt more often." Leonard smirked

"Yeah, maybe," she leaned closing the space between them, until Jax cleared his throat, causing the couple to split.

"Not you two as well. There are way to way couples on this ship already."

"Well, look who's up and around." Crystal said changing the subject, trying to play it cool.

"Mm, yeah. I guess I owe you an apology. Grey told me about what happened back at the asylum. You had the chance to kill me, and you didn't. After last night, I know enough about being a monster to know that you're not one."

"Stop. I'm getting misty-eyed."

"I just want you to know... about what happened with Rory? I get it. You were protecting us. And that doesn't make you a murderer. It makes you a part of this team."

"Jefferson, you should be resting." Stein came into the room.

"Aw, man, I'm... I'm done laying around. I just want to get the hell out of Mayberry."

"Agreed... we're still waiting on Sara and the two lovebirds to get back. Seems they've taken quite a shine to 1958." Leonard stood up.

A loud explosion rocked the ship, causing Crystal to almost fall to her knees yet Leonard caught her.

"What on earth? Gideon?" Rip asked as a video appeared on the table, showing Chronos attacking the ship.

"Not this guy again."

"Captain, Chronos has breached the starboard hatch."

"How is that possible?"

"Clearly, he's received some new toys from his Time Master friends since our last encounter."

"Gideon, seal the bulkheads from here until..." Rip was cut off with Chronos attacking him with his gun.

Crystal ran to seek cover as Rip and Leonard fought against Chronos.

"Grey, come on! Let's do this!"

"If we merge on the Waverider, we could destroy the entire ship!"

"Um, are you not paying attention to what Chronos is doing?"

"Fall back! Get to the jump ship!" Rip commanded as they all started to run to safety against the big bad man. The only thing that's different was that their three friends where left behind.

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