Valentines Day Special!~<3

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Yay! This is one of the extra chapters m posting! Hope you all like it!!!

You groaned as you stretched out your arms as you (h/c) (b/l) bangs swept over your eyes.

You stood up and rubbed your eyes sleepily releasing a loud yawn. You were about to open the door to your room when the door burst open.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY (Y/N)-CHAN!!!!" Kofuku screamed as she tackled you to the floor.

"H-Hi Kofuku! Happy Valen- wait WHAT!?!?" You screamed as Kofuku stared at you confused.

"What's wrong (Y/N)-chan?" She asked as you tangled your fingers in your messy tangled hair.

"I-I totally forgot that it was today!" You screeched as you quickly shoved Kofuku off and raced around your room looking for some clothes to put on.

Kofuku sighed and rested her chin on her palm as she waited for you to get ready.

Once you were done you quickly brushed your hair and raced out the door while dragging Kofuku along.

As you raced down the hall gripping Kofuku's wrist you ran past Yato and yelled, "I'm going out Yato!"

Yato didn't have a second to reply as he turned around to find you already gone and the front door wide open. He sweat dropped but then sighed.

You ran down the streets with Kofuku trailing close behind you. When you finally decided to take a break from running you bent down and placed your hands in your knees as you tried to catch your breath.

Kofuku was doing the same until she looked up at her surroundings. Her eyes opened widely.

"Look (Y/N)-chan! It's a love carnival!" She screamed happily as she jumped up and down.

"I know! Let's all go there for Valentines Day!" You yelled happily jumping up and down along with Kofuku.

She then stopped and placed a finger up to her chin as she thought for a minute.

"So I can go with Diakoku, Yatty with Hiyori and..YOU AND LITTLE YUKI!" You screamed in delight. Your face flushed a red but you shook it off.

"Yeh that sounds great!" You exclaimed as you winked while sticking your tongue out and did a thumbs up.

Kofuku giggled and then grabbed your wrist.

"C'mon lets go get Hiyori and find what we can wear!" She exclaimed as she began to drag you back to Hiyori's house.

~time skip to night~

You had your kimono on that had blooming lilies and Sakura flowers. Your (h/c) and (f/c) hair was tied back in a tight bun and a few golden strand of hair fell to your face.

"You look so Kawaii (Y/N)-chan!" Kofuku and Hiyori shrieked at the same time. You just giggled lightly and blushed slightly.

"D-Do you think Yukine will like it?" You asked as you stared down at your kimono. Both their eyes widened in shock.

"Of course he will!" Kofuku yelled.

"Yeh! And I bet Yato will be receiving some pervy thoughts tonight," Hiyori yelled with a wink.

Your face flushed red but you sighed it off.

"Wh-Whatever you guys say," you mumbled as they slipped on their kimonos.

~it is time!!!~

You slowly walk down Hiyori's stairs and stare at the floor as you entered the living room.

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