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You quickly stood up with Yukine still hugging you tightly. The other Yukine raced over to you but then slowed his pace as he saw the other Yukine hugging you.

"(Y/N)?" He asked as he slowly approached you.

Yukine released you from the hug and turned to the other Yukine. One Yukine had a green jacket and white T-shirt on (live Yukine) and the other had on a beenie and a  blue sweatshirt (dead Yukine) and they both had the same pairs of jeans and shoes on.

"Wh-What's going on?" Asked Yukine with the green jacket. You turn to him as the Yukine with a blue sweatshirt raced over to you and grabbed you in a hug.

"(Y/N)-chan? Who's that?" Asked the Yukine hugging you as he pointed to the Yukine with a green jacket.

"I should be asking the same question to you!" Yelled the Yukine with the green jacket. He stormed up to the other Yukine and pulled him from you.

"What the hell!" Yelled the Yukine that was hugging you.

"What the hell yourself!" Yelled the other Yukine.

"Guys stop!!" You scream.
They both turn to you surprised.

"Please we need to fix this," you say calmly. The Yukine's glared at each other but then listened to you.

"This is what Yato was talking about! Phantoms can attack humans now!!! We have to hurry and help everyone in the city before crisis strikes," you quickly say turning to both Yukines. They nod as Yato finally approached.

"(Y/N)!!!!" He yelled as he tackled you to the ground.

"Yato not now! We need to go get the phantoms out of the city!" You yell shoving him off of you. He makes a sad puppy face but then changed back to a serious face.

"Okay, Yukine!" Yato said turning to the Yukine with the blue sweatshirt and beenie.

"Come! Sekki!!!" Yato quickly said.
Yukine quickly changed into a sword which caused the other Yukine to gasp with surprise.

The Yukine with a green jacket raced over to you and grabbed your hand.

"(Y/N)-chan? Can I stay with you to make sure you don't get hurt?" He asked looking into your (e/c) and now (f/c) eyes.

"I can't Yukine. I need to help," you say as you quickly race away without thinking. There was a crash to your right and a huge phantom popped out and pounced at you. You scream as it soared right above you ready to crash down onto you.

"KIKKAI!" yelled Yato.

You quickly zoomed into Yato's right hand with Yukine in the other. The Yukine in the green jacket looked at you confused. Yato quickly released you and ran with Yukine to kill the phantom.

You stood up as the Yukine in the green jacket ran over to you pulling you in a hug.

"Are you okay!?!?" He asked loudly. You nod and hug him back. You release him from the hug and looked at his maroon eyes.

"Yukine we have to warn everyone in the city okay?" You say as you calmly place a hand on his cheek. He nodded slowly but you could tell he was fitting back his fears. You smile and grabbed his hand racing towards the city.

"Yukine! Yato! Kill as many of them as you can!!!" You yell to Yato and the Yukine with a blue sweatshirt.

"Sure (Y/N)," Yato quickly said as they sliced the phantom in half and it disappeared. Yato ran towards the city too and you and the other Yukine followed close behind.

~~time skip to  city,~~
It was horrifying in the city. Phantoms have killed so many people and when they did they began eating away at the freshly new regalias. You look around and spot a phantom attack a young girl.

"Yato! Go help that young girl over there!" You yell as the phantom is ready to pounce.

Yato rushed over and clashed with the phantom.

You turn to the other Yukine but see that he was gone!

"YUKINE!?!?!" You yelled looking around worried. You spot him but then your heart skipped a beat.

A phantom had him pinned against a wall and had struck his leg so he couldn't run away.

You quickly race over and kick the phantom  causing it to fall forcefully into a building one block away. You didn't care that you got blighted and just shook off the pain.

You raced over to the Yukine with a green jacket and look at his leg. It was bleeding really badly. His face showed that he was in a whole lot of pain. You place a hand on his wound and think about something. There was a tiny spark which then changed into a glowing light.

Yukine's would healed.

He gasped in awe and looked up at you wide eyed. You wrapped him in a hug and whisper, "Dont scare me like that." He nods slowly and then stood up.

You turn to Yato and Yukine who are killing a lot of phantoms.

"Guys! If you get wounded I can somehow heal it!" You quickly yell before running over to the young girl that was attackers earlier. She was crying and staring at her wound the phantom had made in her leg.

"There, there, everything will be fine. I promise," you say as you healed her leg. She sniffed and looked at you and then at Yukine with the green jacket.

"Thank you," she replied with a sheepish smile. You nod and grab her hand.

"Now I need you to run to the nearest shelter. Me, Yukine, Yukine, and Yato will fight the phantoms off okay?" You say as she nodded. She ran off towards a shelter as you turned to Yato and Yukine.

"Guys! They just keep coming! Its no use!" You yell sadly. Before you could yell something else you turned to see the other Yukine standing still with a gun pointed at his head.

"Bishamon! Please you need to help fight off these phantoms!" You yell as Yukine began to cry in fear.

"Right after I kill Yato's regalia," she said as she loaded her pistol ready to fire.

"Wait! What if....I took his place!!!!" You yell causing her to turn to you.

"You can shoot me instead!" You quickly yell. Bishamon turned to you and raised her pistol.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan..." Yukine in the green jacket whispered.

"(Y/N)!!! No don't!!!" Yelled Yato and the Yukine in a blue sweatshirt.

"Trust me," you say as you turned toward the pistol.

The next thing you know the  bullet shot through you once again.
Cliff hangers r so fun!!! Hope you all had some fun!!! But don't worry it not over yet!
Kennedi-chan out!!! (>w•)✌️

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