The Girl

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You went back to your world with Yato and Yukine. Once you got there Kofuku and Hiyori hugged you tightly. You hugged them back and then you all pulled away.

"We're so glad your back!" Kofuku quickly exclaimed.

"Me too," you say with a big smile. You walk over to Yukine and sit down.

"Hey you okay? You've been a lately," you asked Yukine worried. He looked at you and forced a smile on his face.

"I'm fine! Trust me," he said as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
You nod but inside you shook your head.

"Hey guys! We have a mission to go to!" Yato quickly exclaimed as he grabbed Yukine's wrist.

"Hey why doesn't (Y/N) get to stay!?!?" Yukine asked as he lulled his arm free from Yato's grasp.

"Because she got injured multiple times and deserves a break!" Yato said quickly as he grabbed Yukine's arm again. Yukine groaned as he was dragged away.

"What to do," you asked yourself as you thought for a while. You were about to play video games when your stomach growled. You groan angrily and get up.

"Guess I'll have to go out to get something to eat," you thought as you raced out the door.

"Hiyori I'm going out to buy something to snack on but I'll be back!" You yelled as you raced down the street.

You ran until you got tired and had to stop to take a few breaths.

"Excuse me but are you okay?" Asked a soft voice that melted into your heart.
You look up to see a girl with maroon eyes and long blonde locks.

"Y-Yeah," you answer while panting heavily. She giggled a little which made you smile.

"Sooooo you can see me?" You ask trying to sound casual. She froze and nodded.

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked confused.

"Nevermind..anyways I'm (Y/N)," you state happily.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Fuyu!" She says happily shaking your hand.

"That a cool! Your name means winter in Japanese!" You  quickly exclaim.

She nodded and smiled.

"Where do you live so I can visit sometime?" She asked.

"Well its a little huge and bigger than the other house down this street so I'm sure you'll find it right away," you say with a smile.

"Can I come later to play video games with you? I'll bring the snacks!" She yelled happily.

You nod and start to walk back.

~~time skip~~
There was a knock on the door and you raced over. Once you opened it you saw Fuyu with a bag full of candy and snacks.

"Sup Fuyu!" You exclaim excitedly.

"Hiya (Y/N)-chan!" She said back as she walked inside. You closed the door behind her and turned to her. Her mouth was open in awe as she looked around.

"Your house if freaking huge!" She said as she dumped the bag of snacks onto the couch.

"Well its not sorta mine but I live here," you state. She began to look around more but then stopped and turned around.

"Sorry! I'm not snooping am I? She asked shyly. You shook your head and smiled.

You sat down and was about to begin the game when there was another knock on the door. You groan and get up to answer the door. Fuyu looked a little disappointed too.

You answer the door to see Yato and Yukine.

"Hi! (Y/N) we're back!" Yato exclaimed as he pushed you out of the way. He walks into the room where Fuyu is waiting but then froze.

He quickly turned around and raced over to you before Fuyu noticed him.

"What's she doing here?" Yato whispers.

"Her names Fuyu and she's here to play video games with me," you whisper back.

"Sorry but your going to have for cancel your little play date for now," Yato quickly whispered back.

"What why!?!?" You yelled a little.

"Because you don't know who she is!" He kinda yells back.

"Yes I do! Her names Fuyu! And she's my friend!" You yell a little louder.

"AND she's also Yukine's sister!!!!" Yato hissed. You froze at his words. You and Yato glanced over at Yukine who was waiting by the door impatiently.

"It can't be," you whisper.

"Believe me its true. When she heard the news that Yukine was dead she was devastated. But she tries really hard to forget about the incident," Yato quickly states.

"So I just became friends with Yukine's living sister!?!??!"

❅Yukine X Reader❅   Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu