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When all of a sudden Yukine and Yato come out of nowhere and protect you by clashing with the phantom. You watched amazed as they slashed at the phantom which had tried to race back over to you. Yato and Yukine slashed one of its wings causing it you roar in pain.

"(Y/N)!!! What were you thinking going out alone and unguarded!!!" Yato yelled angrily as he raced towards the recovering phantom.

"I just wanted to give Yukine some space to recover from Fuyu's death," You replied as you tried to stand up.

"(Y/N)! Don't stand up! You'll hurt yourself," You heard Yukine yell from within the blade. You smirked and crawled to safety as Yato and Yukine finished off the phantom. Yato released Yukine and he raced towards you. He slid next to your side and began to check your blights.

"(Y/N)! Your blighted almost everywhere!" Yukine stated with a gasp. You gave him a weak smile as the blight stung you. Yato quickly rushed over to you and looked at the blight on your legs. He scoffed and looked around for any water.

"(Y/N) it looks like there's no water around here, do you think you can walk in this condition?" He asked.

You nodded and tried to stand up. Your legs shook under the sudden weight and you almost fell over, but you kept yourself steady.

"Be careful," Yukine quickly said in a worried tone. You nodded and began to walk around. You smiled as you got the hang of walking again.

"YAY! (Y/N)-chan can walk again!" Yato stated happily. Yukine smiled softly and was going to place a hand on your shoulder but then quickly stopped as he remembered that you were blighted.

~~Time skip~~

You all were slowly walking home to Hiyori's place. Pain kept stinging you as you walked causing you to wince every so often. Yukine looked at you worried each time. It grew dark which caused your fear to kick in. You shook as the sky was filled with darkness. You tried to walk faster only to fall onto the ground scraping your knees.

Yukine quickly rushed over to your side.

"I don't care if I get blighted, or if I'm afraid of the dark, all I care about right now is getting you back safely, (Y/N)," He stated as he picked you up bridal style. You blushed red as he placed a kiss on your lips. When he pulled away he smiled and winced at the same time.

"Come on love birds! We have to hurry to Hiyori's house!" Yato mumbled. You and Yukine nodded. Yukine began to run while carrying you.

You all were so close to Hiyori's house when all of a sudden a dark figure jumped in the way. Yukine's eyes widened as the figure pulled out a knife. It lunged forward at you and Yukine but Yukine jumped back avoiding the slash. The knife had slightly sliced a few of your (h/c) and gold hairs. The figure quickly slashed at you and Yukine again.

Yato panicked because he couldn't summon neither of his weapons unless he wanted to get blighted too. The figure kicked Yukine aside causing him to drop you. The figure then caught you and carried you away.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!" You yelled at the figure. It had a hood on so you couldn't see their face. It then quickly removed the hood to reveal..................................Fuyu!!!!

"FUYU!!!" You yell happily. Fuyu just frowned and continued to run with you in her arms.

"Who's your God?" You asked curiously. Fuyu shrugged and replied, "Bishamon."

You froze at her words and gulped.

"What are you planning to do with me?" You asked harshly.

"Well first we're going to clean up your blights and then we're going to do some tests and experiments that may kill you," She quickly stated a little sadly. Your (e/c) and (f/c) eyes widened in shock.

"But why me?!?!??!" You screamed as you moved around in her arms. She scoffed.

"Because your the special AND the entrance to both this world and the live world. The key is within you," Fuyu quickly mumbled.


Hope your still reading!! I know this is a long fanfiction but don't worry it will end shortly after the next three or four chapters. But please comment what I should do for my next fan fiction! Kennedi-chan out!!! (>w<)✌️

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