The Punishment

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You all raced to Kofuku's house. You quickly knocked on the door and Diakoku answered it. He saw all four of you and gasped.

But surprisingly he drew a border line causing Hiyori to fly backwards with Yato.

"PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP US!!! CAN'T YOU SEE YATO's GOING TO DIE!!!" She screamed as she banged her hand against the borderline. You and Yukine stood their shocked.
You wince in pain as the blight spread along your arm. Yukine saw this and tried to aid you.
Hiyori began to sob. Then Diakoku softened and said, "You and (Y/N) are the only ones I'm letting inside."

Suddenly the borderline disappeared and Hiyori fell to the ground.

"Kofuku can you purify Hiyori and (Y/N) and tend to their blights," Diakoku asked trying to Kofuku who nodded.

You and Hiyori step inside. Hiyori took a shower while you scrubbed your blight.

"Damn this thing hurts! How did Yato fight through this much pain," you thought to yourself.

"I have a strange feeling something beads going to happen to Yukine," you thought as you walked into the living room. You saw Yukine outside still and watched him. He had a glint of sadness and guilt in his eyes.

"I'm going to go visit the nearest shrines," Diakoku stated as he slipped on a jacket.

"What why would you need to do that?" Hiyori asked entering the room.

"Yukine needs an ablution," Diakoku said calmly. You wince at those words and look over at Yukine.

"Huh?" Hiyori asked.

"An ablution is a ceremony for expelling blight, it requires three regalia's to pull it off. So we'll need two more besides me," Diakoku stated.

"B-But what about me?" You asked solemnly.

"Your still learning so it would be too tough for you. It requires a lot of concentration," he said turning to you.

"Oh," you say sadly as you bite your bottom lip.

Diakoku walked over to the door and looked at Yato who was wincing still on the ground.

"This doesn't look so good," Diakoku said.

Yukine looked sadly at the ground.

"Yukine. Take one step from where your standing and I will kill you," Diakoku stated as he left. You look over at Yukine but he quickly turned his head in the opposite direction.

"Yeh whatever," he whispered angrily.

All you guys could do was wait. You stood up and walked over to Yukine. Kofuku grabbed your wrist making you turn around. She shook her head and pulled you back inside. Yukine looked extremely depressed.

~~time skip~~
You watch as Diakoku returns with only one regalia.

"Where's the other one?" You think quickly.

"I couldn't find any other regalia. I'm sorry," Diakoku stated sadly. Hiyori quickly jumped out of her body and ran away.

You wanted to go help her but got the feeling you needed to stay .

You notice that Kofuku was busy crying and yelling at Daikoku so you quickly run over to Yukine.

You embrace him in a tight hug and whisper, "Everything will be alright."

He nodded as you raced back to the spot you were standing in so Kofuku wouldn't notice that you moved.
~~time skip~~
Hiyori returned with a third regalia. You perked up a bit but then realized that Yukine would soon be in pain.

"Yato you need to banish Yukine you can't endure this much longer," stated the regalia. Yato quickly shook his head.

He then turned to Yukine and asked, "Yukine what did you do?"

"I don't know, nothing," he said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"If that's true then why were you trying to leave?" The regalia asked.

"Because I wanted to k," Yukine said.

"Is that so? Then you wouldn't mind taking off your shirt for a sec," Diakoku stated.

You blush slightly.

Yukine scoffs as he threw off his jacket.

He then slipped off his shirt and sighed. There was a small screech that started.

Everyone gasped. You just stood there confused and worried.

Then you saw it. There were phantom eyes all over Yukine's back.

Yukine began to freak out as he asked, "what is that!?!?"

Yukine began to freak out more. You wanted to go relax him but you couldn't.

Then the three regalia's surrounded Yukine and started saying a type of ritual.

They all drew a borderline at the same time. It burst with light and Yukine screamed in pain.

"YUKINE!!!" You scream.

Yukine began to slam himself into the borderlines screaming, "LET ME OUT GOD DAMMIT!!!"

"Yukine confess all the sins you did!" Yelled Diakoku.

"No!!! I'll kill you for this!!!" Yukine shouted as he bent down on one knee and phantom wings sprouted out of his back.

You and Hiyori gasp as he tried to fly upward.

"Harder he's becoming a phantom!" Yelled a regalia. The borderline close in a little more and Yukine screamed louder.

"So what if I stole some lose change!! I didn't hurt anybody! You understand me don't you!! Its because we're dead!" Yelled Yukine.

All of a sudden Yukine got worse and the blight was beginning to cover his name.

"Try harder got dammit!!" You yell.

"Someone has to call his name before it disappears. He can't cross to the other side," said a voice in your head. You realized that it was Yato's voice.

"YUKINE!!!!" You scream.


"(Y/N) stay back its too dangerous!" Yelled Diakoku but you just continue as Yukine turned to you.

He banged on the borderline causing you to fly backwards. You quickly got up.

"Don't you see Yato cares about you like a father!" You continue.

"Think about it! Even though you kept stinging Yato and hurting him he just endured it! But if you keep hurting someone that good to you..!!!!" You screamed louder.

"Then I can't love you anymore!!!" You yell as you face turns slightly pink.

"L-love? You love me," Yukine began as the blight began to disappear slowly.

The borderlines lit up and Yukine started to blush and cry.

"(Y/N)-chan...I'm so sorry...i kept on stinging Yato, I stole money, I tried to steal a skateboard, and I smashed out all the windows, and I told so many lies. I won't do it anymore," Yukine said through sobs.

His wings began to disappear as he sobbed some more.

When everything was over you raced over to Yukine so quickly that you almost stumbled over. You embraced him in a hug and cried.

"Y-You love me (Y/N)-chan?" He asked with a sniff.

You blush as you nod.

"I love you too," he said with a smile.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! And please keep reading! Kennedi-chan out!! (>w•)✌️

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