Awkward night

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You and Yukine had to learn how to draw a border line. So Yato found a tiny phantom to begin with and picked it up.

"So hate and fear will help you to draw a borderline," Yato started.

"What's that?" Both you and Yukine reply.

"A borderline is what serves as a regalia's shield," Yato continued as he placed the same cat-like phantom onto the ground.

"Its easy just make you hand in the shape of a gun and slash it in between you and it while saying "a line","Yato said showing an example.

"Okay," both you and Yukine said.

You both looked at the phantom and repeated what Yato said.

"A line!" You and Yukine yelled at the same time.

A strong line was drawn and the phantom feared it and couldn't cross it.
~~~Time skip~~~
After you had celebrated you all began to leave when Hiyori turned and stated, "I've decided that I should look over Yukine and (Y/N)."
We all looked at her confused.

"You are? That's crazy," Yato said.

After Hiyori yelled stuff at Yato causing him to freeze in shock she grabbed you and Yukine.

Yato then began tugging on your guys arms and Hiyori pulled back.

Finally they both got tired and you and Yukine just stared at them blankly.

"Come with me Yukine and (Y/N)," Hiyori said with a smile.

"No Yukine! (Y/N)! Stay with me!" Yato yelled as you glanced at him.

You guys think for a while but then quickly ran over to Hiyori.

~~time skip~~
You and Yukine stood in front of the huge house once again.

"Your house is freaking huge," you and Yukine say in awe.

You and Yukine walk in and look around. "So are your parents around?" You ask.

"No it looks like we're lucky," she said with a smile.

"Wait so its just us three!" Yukine said loudly with a blush.

Hiyori clasped a hand around his mouth as a door opened and an old lady walked in.
"Oh its you Hiyori," she said.

"Yeh nice evening isnt it," Hiyori responded.

The lady then nodded and exited the room.

All three of you glanced at each other and started laughing. You looked over at Yukine and gave him a grin. His face reddened as he looked away.

"Yukine you can sleep in this room and (Y/N) can sleep in my room," Hiyori said.

Yukine looked a little unhappy but tried to hide it by running into the room and began to jump on the bed.

Hiyori took you into the room.

"Make yourself at home (Y/N)," she said with a smile.

"I have to go downstairs to check if my parents are home yet," she said as she left the room.

"By the way where's the bathroom?" You ask before she leaves.

"Oh its down the hall but don't go in there because..." You didn't hear the rest as she left.

"Um.." You said.

You raced down the hall and opened the door. Inside you saw Yukine in the tub.
"Gaah! Sorry I didn't know you were in here!" You quickly say as your face flushed red.

"(Y/N)!" He said as his face flushed red too.

"Sorry!" You say as you rush out the room.
~~time skip~~~

Since you had Hiyori's room she slept downstairs on the couch.

In the middle of the night someone opened your door and said, "(Y/N)? Sorry to wake you, but...this is going to sound stupid but. I'm afraid of the dark."

"Is okay Yukine...I am too," you say sitting up.

"And Hiyori's dad turned off the light in my room," he said.

"You wanna sleep with me?" You ask shyly. You then remembered the tub incident causing you to blush hard.

"Really! B-b-b-but!" He said freaking out.

"I-it's okay,"you say quickly.

He walks over and slips into the bed with you.

He begins to freak out so you wrap and arm around him.

"There, better?" You ask with a red face.

"Y-yeah," he responds.
~~Yukine POV~~~
After a while (Y/N) fell asleep. I quickly removed her arm from around me and turned to face her. She looked so cute when she slept.

I quickly glance her up and down and stopped my gaze on her lips. They sparkled and looked pretty soft. It beckoned me to lean forward. I was a few millimeters away from her lips when a voice behind me asked,"young man what is it that you think you are doing."

Before I knew it I was dragged out of the room by Yato.
~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

You sit up and watch as Yato dragged Yukine out of the room. You race after them and hear Yato yelling at Yukine.

"What's happening?" You ask sleepily.

"This perve over here was going to make a move on you while you were sleeping," Yato said.

"Y-Yukine?" You say with a blush.

"Its was just that...your lips looked so soft and I just-" Yukine began but then was interrupted as you pressed your lips onto his.

He melted into the kiss and then pulled away blushing crazily.

"Gaah! Yukine!" Yato yelled in pain.

You just smirk as Yukine puts his hands onto his lips trying to believe whether that really happened or not.
~~author note~~~
Enjoying so far??? (> v •)

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