The Boy

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It was the next day since you've woken up from your concussion. You were getting dressed for your firs day of school. You couldn't stop thinking about Yukine or stop crying on how much you missed his cute face and blonde hair.

~~time skip to school~~
The bell rang as you walked into class. You were late which caused everyone to turn to you when you entered the room.
You sighed and as down next to a random person. You were thinking instead of paying attention to the teacher.

"Will he ever return to me? Will I ever return to him? What's Yukine thinking right now?" You thought when you heard a small clatter next to you.

"Excuse me can you pick that up for me? I can't reach," asked a voice beside you. You nod slowly and pick up the pencil. You turn to the boy only to freeze.

"Y-Yukine?" You asked as he looked at you weirdly.

"How do you know my name?" He asked as he took the pencil from your hand.

He stared at you causing you to blush.

" don't remember me?" You ask as he glanced at the teacher and then at you.

He shook his head causing your heart to shatter to the ground.

"Oh....okay," you say trying to fight back the tears.

He noticed you felt like crying and smiled at you.

"But we can still be friends," he said as he turned back to the teacher.

"We were friends....or maybe more," you huffed under your breath.

He saw that you were still unhappy. He kept trying to cheer you up but nothing could.

"Why doesn't he remember?" You thought as you put your head in your hands.

"Ms.(L/N) are you paying attention?" Asked the teacher.

Everyone turned to you making you freeze.

"Yes," you quickly lied.

"Then would you mind solving this problem?" The teacher asked pointing to a hard equation.

"Y-Yeh the answer is...." You started and then looked at the equation.

Yukine cleared his throat causing you to look at him.

He mouth the number "38" blocking his mouth so the teacher couldn't see.

"3-38," you reply looking at the teacher.

"Okay good! And Yukine stop flirting with the poor girl you'll break her concentration!" Yelled the teacher.

Yukine's face flushed to the red face you remember seeing.

You couldn't help but laugh.
He glanced at you and his face grew redder.

"Your so cute when you blush," you whispered to yourself. But Yukine heard and stared at you. You blushed this time.

"Will our relationship have to start all over again?" You thought as the bell rang for class.

You stood up and was going to leave when a hand grasped yours.
You turned to see Yukine.

"H-Hey what was your name again?" He asked shyly.

"(Y/N)," you reply.

"I-I think I've heard that name before," he said slowly releasing your hand.

"R-Really!" You exclaim making some people turn to you.

"Yeh.....I think we were actually friends before...but I don't remember much," he said a little confused.

"Anyways you want to hang out after school? And can I walk you home?" He asked with his bright smile.

You nod and smiled back.

"He remembers my name!!!!"

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