Chapter 13

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  The poison he had laced the dagger contained toxin that attacked the nervous system that Ikuto developed himself and since Ikuto had managed to get the daggers lodged in near his spine it would soon take effect. 

"How dare you?! How dare you hurt me, the powerful Kreegan!!!!!"he screamed and it a fit of rage threw Kukai sky high and onto a couple of the guards nearby.

Meanwhile Utau and the others watched on the side lines as the fight unfolded before them. Just then a car pulled up in the driveway and the Hitori twins rushed out and towards them. Tadase quickly ran towards an unsuspecting Utau to 'comfort' her.

When his arms wrapped around her, Utau thinking one of the  perps had gotten past the guards, flipped him over her shoulder, pressed her foot down on his back and pulled out the gun Amu had given her that morning and pressed it against the back of his head.

"Utau-chan it's me! Tadase! Don't shoot!"

"You know I really don't care I still wanna shoot just as much maybe even more than before because it turned out to be you Hitori-kun."

She released her hold on him and ran over to Kukai's side to help him up. Shocked and scared by what she said he quickly stood up and his behind his sister who was immediately drawn to Ikuto's semi-dressed state. Saaya couldn't wait to enter his bed chambers to see those abs up close and personal since in deluded mind she was going to be queen and sit on the throne next to him and was willing to challenge the pink haired ruffian to do it.

Ikuto on the other was more concerned with Amu's injured form. While she wasn't limping or showing any other signs of difficulty moving, her wounds were vulnerable to infection and Ikuto wanted to hurry and get this over with he could treat them.

The german ape they were fighting didn't seem to be giving any time soon though. He blocked and dogded their attacks but not with as much efficiency as before since the poison was starting take effect. His movements slowed down somewhat and they could finally land some effective hits to his 7ft frame.

Ami used Ikuto's poison to coat her arrows and sent three at a time hurling towards Kreegan who was currently distracted by Amu and Kukai who launched punch after punch, kick after kick and dagger after dagger him.

The arrows , lucky for him, grazed his skin as he moved but the poison coating them was another story.

They managed to lead him towards the bell tower but Amu's strength was waining. She stumbled on her injured leg but straightened up quickly as Kreegan taking notice of Amu's weakness focused on taking her out.

He sent a barrage of punches and kicks her way not giving her a chance to rest. Seeing their sister in trouble Ami and Kukai quickly come to the rescue but Kreegan seems determined to take out Amu and throws Ami into a nearby wall knocking her unconscious. He then punches Kukai launching him into the concrete pond in the garden surrounding the tower. He turns his attention back to a struggling Amu, who tries to grab the dagger Kukai dropped. He marches towards her and grabs he by her hair then throat and begins to squeeze.

"Get the fuck away from her!"

Ikuto launches himself at Kreegan, who drops Amu, and holds him in a choke hold which Kreegan manages to get out of and throws him onto Amu.

 "He...Hey princess you miss me?"

"Yes... Yes I did you reckless dork."

Kreegan pulls out a gun from the waist of his pants and aims. The echo of a gunshot rings throughout the palace and a body lies there in a pool of their own blood.

They stare at Kreegan's lifeless body as a female voice comes over the earcom.

"Got him." 

"What took you so long Suzuna?" she sighs as Ikuto drops onto her relieved its over.

"I couldn't get a clear shot besides there was traffic."

"That's what you always say."


The door opened and Kukai looked up from the book he was reading to see Utau, who had changed into her black and white lace pajama tank top and shorts, entering the room. He closed the book the gave her his full attention and ignoring the slight hard on in his pants at her appearance. 

"Well to what to do I owe the pleasure of a visit goldilocks?"

"Don't call me that and ....I just wanted to see how you were doing."

Her eyes were drawn to his injured form and zones on his obvious eight pack and toned chest while his appreciate the way her thighs rubbed together as she walked towards the bed. She lifted the sheets and went under edging closer to him until she rested her head on his shoulder and he immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Weren't you scared?"

" Yes so scared I nearly shit myself."

She laughed at his honesty and turned to face him brushing the hair away from his emerald green eyes. His eyes stared at her with trust, admiration and She turned away from his analytic gaze and cuddled him resting head on his chest as he wrapped his bandaged arms securely around her waist.

His last thought before falling asleep was how a guy could get used to this. 


Hey guys sorry for the slow updates but I just published a new called " The Maestri ". Check it out a tell me what you think.

Thanks for all the support till now, love y'all. xox's

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