Chapter 8

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PLEASE READ THIS!!! I really wanna thank you guys and my bff awesomekris24 (check out her stories) for reading and supporting my book. I know I haven't been updating as often as I should but plz bare with me. My friends and I have to study for exams for the next few weeks so plz thanks Guys Love y'all. Btw watch The Seven Deadly Sins ( comedy action anime loved it) and The Irregular at Magic Highschool ( awesome major action I love Tatsuya!!).

Spoiler : There's a scene coming up soon (Kutau thou)


Unknown POV

Tch! Look's like we have more 'trash to dispose of '. The boss better pay us triple for this. Although it does seem nice to have more victims to torture. Heh! It's a good thing the others have at least one of the bratz in their class. Makes it much easier to kill them plus I'll have some new additions to my 'collection'.

Normal POV

" You bitch!! You never called me!!"

Rima clung to Amu as Nagi and Kukai got reacquainted. Ikuto and Utau stood dumb founded as the group talked.

" Um... Amu.... you know this shrimp?"

"Amu... what are you doing near this pea brained moron? Its stupidity is contagious."

"Here we go again" Ikuto complained while Nagihiko and a few other students watched the blondes 'Mornig Diss Fest' for the day begin.

Amu and Kukai (outfit in the pic above) watched from the sidelines as the two rivals began a staring match which ended as soon as it started because the bell rang signalling class.

Amu's POV

All of us were in the same first period, which was advanced Physics with Mr. Shouta. We arrived early, hopefully we don't have to introduce ourselves. I mean come on Kukai talks enough without having a interested audience, don't give him one. Jeez.

Oh of course the didn't seem to share my opinion and Kukai took nearly the whole class just to say his name, age and things he likes, and trust me he likes alot of things, Utau being number 1 on the list which by the way he pointed out very clearly. That had the poor girl turning redder than a firetruck.

I had to drag him back to his seat, in a choke hold, before he let the fact that we were assassins slip out of his loose mouth.


Throughout the morning, Saaya and her slut brigade kept constant watch over the group and as lunch time drew near so did a confrontation.

The bell rang and students filed into the lunchroom. Amu and the others sat at a table near the outside benches which was where Saaya and Tadase found them.

"Ikuto~ baby! There you are~" she turned to Amu " Thanks but I didn't need a bench warmer, you can move now"

"Was your -"

"It's okay Amu" Ikuto said, making Saaya smirk as if she'd won, so she got up and he pulled her into his lap trapping her there with his strong arms. Utau moved over into the spot Amu previously occupied, then Kukai, Rima and Nagi.

They turned to one another and continued their conversation, during which Ikuto kept rubbing his hand on Amu's thigh making her keep shifting around on his lap. Seeing the chairs full Saaya cleared her throat.

" Oh do you need to go to the nurse, Tadagay could take you." Utau asked faking concern.

"No I'd like my seat."

" Well then go find one."

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