Chapter 11

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They pulled up to the castle entrance where they found Aruto and Souko along with the palace staff and a large number of guards standing. They frantically ran towards them , Amu and Kukai on high alert.

"What are you doing home so soon?" Souko asked, she hadn't wanted Ikuto and Utau around in case anything major happened since they might end up caught up in it.

"We got a call from Ami." Kukai answered. He and Amu walked off towards the main doors when they were stopped by the guards.

" Go back to the assembly area please, we are sorting out the situation."

Amu gave them a glare so cold they would have rathered be in Anatarica than face it. "Move It!" As soon as they opened the door Ami and the panthers bolted out, each carrying a large silver case.

"Come on!"

They each grabbed a case and headed over to one of the security posts. Locking themselves in, they changed into their leather outfits (pic above) and loaded up with weapons. Kukai handed them each an earcom. Once all weapons were loaded and earcoms on, they headed back out.

Ikuto's POV

I know this is a time of major crisis, lives are on the line and other crap but.....

Little Ikuto just won't calm down seeing Amu dressed that hot.

Even a couple of the guards were staring and trust me Utau is drooling over the sight of Kukai's tatoo and serious face.

Even little Ami, what Amu told us earlier I could definitely believe it now seeing the amount of weapons she alone had.

They walked up to us and Amu started barking out orders and to be honest, as much as I love her voice, seeing her long legs in that black dress, if you could call that a dress, was even better.

Man ...those legs wrapped around my waist as I .... Ah shit! Where's the bathroom?

Normal POV

" I want five guards posted every fifteen meters around the palace. Ami call in Suzuna I need a sniper to be at the bell tower and you check the west and northwestern wings. Kukai take a group of guards with and check the eastern and northeastern wings. I'll take the south wing with the panthers. We'll meet up at north wing. Ami you did give the panthers their vests right?......Good, let's go!" she says after Ami nods.

Kukai's group headed towards the eastern wing while he took the northeastern. He swung himself off the branch of a near by oak tree, launching himself into the air and threw a closed third story window, breaking the glass. Ami takes a more traditional route, sliding down chimney in Utau's bedroom while Amu simply walks in through the front door.

Kukai lands on decorative table in the hallway, jumps off and silently makes his way to the most easterly wing to meet up with the guards he sent there. He slips in and out of different rooms quickly after searching each thoroughly. After searching around twenty of thirty rooms in the corridor, he spots two figures coming out of the room closest to the staircase. As he unsheathes two of the four daggers he has on his person and silently creeps up on the unsuspecting duo, he earcoms Amu.

" Flamingo its leopard. I've got two suspects in sight should I detain or kill them? "

"Knock them out, we'll kill after we interrogate them. After you detain bring escort them outside and leave with the guards then proceed as planned. Suzuna will here in 15."

"Roger. Out."

He snuck up behind to closest figure, being the taller and more muscular of the two. The unsuspecting giant fell unconscious the instant Kukai hit him with the handle of both daggers on his temple. The second guy wasn't fast enough to even think about dodging a tranquilizer Kukai shot at him.

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