Chapter 6

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The morning came sooner than Ikuto would have liked. He enjoyed the cuddle session he had with Amu the night before and was reluctant to leave her room. He had woken up a few minutes before Amu and used that time to stare at her sleeping face. However when he finally decided to get up Amu clung to him wrapping her legs around his. He couldn't help the blush that covered his cheeks but he stayed still until she finally woke up.

"hmm..........*blink* *yawn*"

Amu snuggled closer to her warm pillow she however stiffen when she felt something wrap around her. She cracked open her eyes only to meet Ikuto's smirking face.

Amu Pov

This is a dream!? There's no way he's here .

Normal Pov

"Morning Amu-koi. "

" What the hell are you doing here?"

Ikuto shrugged and pulled her closer to him making Amu blush. Doing a mental count down, he waited for her to scream.


After getting rid of the blue haired prince, Amu got ready in her favorite blue and purple striped 88 crop top and bleached ripped jeans. Her navel piercing was on display so she wore her purple and yellow ' Queen Bee ' charm. Her waist length pink locks were in a high pony tail leaving out her bangs and a few strands on each side. For make up she went for the natural look and only wore light blush and clear lip gloss and to top off her outfit she threw on her black leather jacket and combat boots. She opened her briefcase and stashed two daggers into the sides of her boots as well two hand guns into her jacket.

She headed down for breakfast only intercept Utau leaving her room.
"Amu morning well look who's all dressed up for my brother. I guess I should say welcome to the family from now."
"I could say the same thing to Utau."

Her normally twin tailed hair was let down into long flowing curls cascading down her black stopping just by her calf. She wore and black laced choker with a black and white striped vest shirt which was tucked into bleached high-waist jeans shorts which stopped before mid-thigh . Her long legs disappeared into black and white heeled puma sneakers.
The night before they had planned out their outfits after dinner. Utau insisted that they both slightly match.

"Oh before I forget , here Utau keep with you at all times just in case Kukai or I aren't around. You do know how to use a gun right? "

She handed Utau a Glock 32 revolver which Utau quickly put in her bag.

" I do but please don't leave me unguarded so don't have to use it, I don't like guns."

Both girls headed downstairs and into the dinning area only to meet upon the ugly slut , as Utau called her, Saaya. Utau was joking the night before when she meant Saaya's clothes her repulsive. Her neon pink shirt looked like it belonged in the scrap heap , it rips on the side and barely covered her obviously stuffed bra. And the skirt she wore barely covered her panties .

"Oh good morning Utau-neechan, is the new slut guard bothering you?"

"Oh no you are. Come on Amu I starving."

Amu giggled at Utau behavior and started to follow her into the dinning area before Saaya stopped her.

"Don't think you've won you whore. Ikuto-sama is mine. And unless you're of royal status you can't dine with the royal family. "

Amu stopped in mid-stride and turned towards the redhead.

"Is that so. Well at least I don't look like a stripper on the road side and I didn't know that being personally invited to the castle by the king himself and being an heir of the Hinamori clan meant I'm not allowed to dine with princess and in case you haven't already noticed prince Ikuto doesn't do unsophisticated sluts such as yourself so next time look in the mirror before you try to chew out others idiot. "

Saaya stood there stunned and taken back what 16 year old pinkette had said. Utau on the other hand started laughing uncontrollably while Amu dragged her into the dinning area which the others had already occupied.
"Good morning everyone ." Amu said as she took her seat next to Ikuto and Ami.

" oh Amu-san good morning . Did you sleep well? "Souko asked .

" Just fine thank you for asking. Kukai did you and Ami check the security systems last night?"

"About that Ami said she could do it herself so I scouted the forest at the back of the castle."

"Ami anything to report? "

"Nothing much however there was a fault in the security system in the main CPU. The operating system failed to catch another protection violation that occurred before the returns from the previous GPF interrupt, the processor signaled a 8, a typical scenario. Another failure occurred, and the processor had shut down . It only responded to a reset or init. Well I did mange to recover all of the most important data but the servalance footage from the past few weeks were lost. "

"Umm excuse Amu chan may I ask what the hell she is talking about ?" Tadase asked while everyone else was in shock at the 10 year old's report .   Unsurprisingly though no one under stood what she had said.

" So basically someone hacked in, left a virus and you had to reset the whole system but some of the camera footage is gone." Ikuto said .

"Yep but I track it to a location outside of borders although you have a 120 km area to search."

"Wait you understood all that techy crap she just said ." Kukai asked
amazed at knowledge level.

"Yep. "
While everyone else fawned over Ami's IQ level Saaya, on the other hand, was angry with her for stealing all the attention.
"What's soo great about knowing computers ,she's just a stuck up nerd."

"Well at least she can count to 30 without getting stuck on 18 Saaya. Come on lets go we're gonna be late ." Utau sneered at the redhead who was utterly shocked and remained seated while Amu, Ikuto, Kukai and Utau headed out.

Hi guys sorry about the slow updates . I've been really busy lately and I had major writers block but I promise during summer I'll be updating whenever I have the chance.
Also should I put in the other Shugo chara couples? And if should I'll only put in two other couples so the two with most votes are the ones I'll use .
Thx minna XD

The Prince and the Assassin( an Amuto Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang