Chapter 12

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On the other side of the castle, Ami had already detained two of the masked menaces sent them out with three of the fourteen guards Amu had sent with her. She split the remaining eleven into pairs and took the odd man out along with her as she climbed the walls, using Kukai's specially designed anti-gravity belt to keep her up and the suit Amu made to attach herself to the walls, to search the higher parts of the castle's structure.

She crawled across the walls and like cockroach moving in and out of the crevices. The suit's material acted like the small hairs on a spiders legs the help it attach it self to any surface and or course she had gotten the idea after watching a marathon of Spiderman movies on their mom's birthday.

"What the fuck?!?!"

A dagger lodged it self into the wall a few centimeters from her neck. Quickly glancing around she saw a shadowed figure quickly moving away in the air vent.

" Search the rest of the rooms and then meet me in dinning room!" she quickly told the guard.

Throwing herself across to the other side, she grabbed hold of the open vent door and pulled herself into the air duct crawling after the retreating figure.

Meanwhile Amu was in the surveillance room going through the camera feeds when the door creaked open. Quickly grabbing a dagger from her belt she launched herself towards the unsuspecting figure, tackling them to the floor.

" Ow..whoa ..wait...... hold up... Amu...shit that hurts.....Amu wait!!!!!"

Blue eyes met the pinkettes hazel ones and she quickly recovered from the shock.

"Ikuto what the hell are you doing in here?! You're supposed to be outside with your parents and Utau, how the hell did you get in here!?!"

"The same way Kukai did only difference is I opened the window inside of crashing through it like a possessed ninja."

Sighing she moved to get up but Ikuto was having other ideas as his hands gripped her waist and held her down as he sat up.

" The hell...Ikuto this is no time for fooling around let me up!"

"Only if you promise to do whatever I say for a whole day, 24 hours, if I can be of some help to you guys."

"........Fine....... but what can you help with?"

" I can watch the camera feeds and relay suspicious persons positions to you through the earcom."

" Mmmmmm.... fine...BUT JUST THIS ONCE!!"

Amu left him with an earcom and went ahead to search the rest of the palace. She met up with Kukai at the dinning area.

" Did you find anything?"

" I took three perps, haven't heard from Ami."

Just then Ami drops out of the air shaft above them, landing on Kukai's shoulders while dropping an unconscious figure next to Amu's feet.

"The hell?!......Ami..How many times have I told you not to use my shoulders as a landing pad?"

She giggled and ruffled his hair. "Sorry Kuma-chan I couldn't resist the tempting high seat."

Amu ignored their squabble and handed the guard that had just entered the room the knock out assailant then turning back to the two immature chimps as she called them, she asked for Ami's stat report.

"I took out two of the annoying termites but I think there's at least four left."



"Hey the insult was not called for missy, I just might punish you for that later. Anyway stay sharp you've got two freaks coming at you. Kukai take the one in the kitchen hallway and you girls take giant at 6 o'clock."

"Who died and made you king Ikki?"

"Kukai don't ever call me that again."

They split up and ran in the directions Ikuto told them. WHile Kukai made short work of the piercing filled menace in the kitchen, Amu and Ami were having a bit of trouble with the guy they were assigned to. To call this guy a giant was an under statement. Not only did his huge frame take up majority of the 10ft tall hallway, but he was blocking their attacks with ease and tossing the ggirls around.

Ami launched herself off the wall repeatedly launching an onslaught kicks, daggers and well placed body blows but he seemed up affected. Amu came from behind aimed for his neck with a dagger and was thrown through the window shattering the glass and landing on one the guards on outside.

Hearing the shatter Ikuto, Utau and Kukai headed towards the sound. Utau followed by her parents and a couple of the palace guards rounded the corner to see Amu quickly dusting the glass of her body and jumping into a near by tree to dodge the large fist aimed straight at her while Ami and Kukai jump through the window to try and get his attention away from the injured Amu who was removing the glass shards from her wounds.

Ikuto jumped out the shattered window and ran towards the tree Amu was in. Taking off the dress shirt he wore he was left in a black tank top as he climbed the tree to tend to her wounds. When he climbed up Amu couldn't help but notice how well the shirt highlighted his glorified six pack.

" What the hell are you doing here you idiot?"

"I can't just leave my girlfriend bleeding in tree now can I?"

He smirked when she rolled her eyes at him and tore up the shirt to wrap around her bleeding arm and leg. He swiped one her daggers and pulled a small glass container from his pants pocket. He poured some of the purple liquid onto the daggers blade and threw it at the over sized body builder's back. The dagger wedged itself deep in the man's back and he screamed out from the pain. Amu stared at him in shock as he put the jar back into his pocket.

" How.....when ...ah?"

" I see I've finally left you speechless." He smirked then continued. " I may or may not have been kidnapped when was younger and since then developed a deep interest in poisons since to kidnap me they poisoned all the guards posted at school."

" That doesn't explain the pin point accuracy with the dagger dude? Explain later, you see the bell tower over there.....well I wanna get him as close as possible to there."

"So you want me to help then?"

She sighed." I never thought I'd do this but yes Ikuto I need your help."

"And you've got it pumpkin pie. You just had to ask."

He kissed her cheek then jumped down to the ground and tried to help Kukai and Ami who were tiring fast to lure the over sized ape to towards the bell tower.

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