Chapter 10

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Back at the palace, Ami was in the surveillance room going through the security cameras.
The camera that watched the hallway that led to the King and Queen's bed chamber displayed the same image and time from one hour ago which wasn't right as it was supposed to rotate every fifteen minutes.
It was the group headed to the last class of the day, Biology. As they set foot in the empty classroom Amu and Kukai's phones went off.

Amu took her phone from her waist and and answered it.
"Onee-chan!! Get your ass here now!!"
"Ami what's going on?!?!"
"There's a group of six intruders in the castle, the panthers and I took out one of them but we're still searching for the others."

"Get everyone out and have security guards posted at every possible exit, we're on our way."

She hung up and turned to Kukai "Let's go. We've got trouble."
They grabbed hold of Ikuto and Utau then made their way to the car park. However, they were intercepted by one of the biology teachers Ms. Kashino. She was a slim blonde lady in her twenties who was known to be very strict.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Home miss...we have duties to attend to." Ikuto answered.

"Well those duties will have to wait. School is still in session."

"Look miss....with all due respect....we're leaving and you need to move or we're moving you."
"How dare you?!?! March yourselves to the detention room immediately!"
Not in the mood for her haughty attitude, Amu walked past her followed by Ikuto.
Ms. Kashino grabbed hold of her arm and attempted to pull her back but Amu flipped her over her shoulder and knocked her unconscious.

The speed at which she'd done it left Ikuto and Utau jaw dropped behind her while Kukai walked calmly behind her out to the parking lot.
"Umm....don't you think we're going to get in trouble for that?" Utau asked. She was still shocked at the stunt her friend/bodyguard pulled.
"Not when lives are on the line."
"Wait..... what do you mean?" Ikuto asked.

"There are some intruders in the castle and Ami can't take care of it on her own."

"And that's a surprise...why?"

"As small as she is, Ami can fight 30 trained navy soldiers and still have the energy to kick down an adult elephant. So if she can't handle it on her own.....yes it is bad. Very bad."

The siblings let the information sink in before shouting, "An elephant?!?!!"

"Come on there's no time for gawking get on." Kukai ordered. Knowing his youngest sister was in danger certainly didn't sit well with him even if he did wanted to hang her upside down from the flag post of the castle sometimes.
Seated as they were in the morning the group sped off towards the palace to help Ami who by know really needed it.

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