I pushed my chair back and stood up, probably looking quite confused. Dad had hurried over the porridge, and was stirring it violently, presumably not wanting to upset mum now she was trusting him to do something.

I followed mum up the stairs, almost walking into Hugo as he practically fell out of his bedroom.

"Morning Hugh," I said brightly.

"Go 'way Rose, it's too early," he mumbled. I smirked.

Mum led me into her bedroom. The bed hadn't been made this morning. That meant dad had slept in there. And he'd been up after mum.

Then I realised what I was supposed to be looking at. In the corner of the room, looking thoroughly out place, stood a pram. Not just any pram. A big, old fashioned, Victorian style one. For a baby, I mean.

Mum was nervous about showing it to me. She began to talk really fast. "I understand if you don't want it Rose, and you don't have to have it at all. It's not exactly new, but it still runs well. It was... it was yours. And Hugo's. When you were younger. Of course, you'll probably have to get a smaller pushchair aswell, for ease, but..." she trailed off.

"Mum. Shut up. I love it. Thank you so much."

She laughed nervously. "I didn't think you should get another one until you'd seen this."

"Stop rambling," I instructed. "I love it. I really do."

"Well that's good then," she said, a bit shakily, and hurried out of the room. I stood there, staring at the pram a little longer, and then I realised that I should do something with my life. So I made the bed for mum, because she's slightly OCD about things like that. Then I went back down to the kitchen. In my absence, Scorpius had rectified his t-shirt issue. Dad had vanished, and mum was steadfastly stirring the porridge (which was surely done by now?) and facing the opposite direction. It seemed that Hugo had never made it down.

"You done Scorp?"

"Wh- yeah." He jumped about a foot in the air.

"Shall we go then?"

"Yeah, ok. I'll just get a jacket."

I waited at the bottom of the stairs for him to get a suitably warm item of clothing, and then we headed in to the living room to floo.

"Wait, where are we going?" he asked, stepping into the fire.

"Muggle London, of course."

A couple of seconds later I stumbled out of the fire place in the Leaky Cauldron. Scorpius caught me, and stood outside the toilets while I remembered why pregnant women don't floo.

"You ok Rose?"

"Yeah," I said, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.


I smirked.

"So where are we going?"

"Ever been to Starbucks?" I echoed Teddy's words from the other day, with a wicked grin on my face.

                             Watching Scorpius enjoy his first Caramel Cream Frappuccino made me realise what I must have looked like when Teddy took me to Starbucks.

"My god Rose this... this is... wow!"

"I know right? Being a muggle doesn't seem so bad."

He sipped at his drink thoughtfully.

"You know, when I was little, I used to feel bad for muggles. Because they couldn't do magic, or drink Butterbeer, or go to Hogwarts. I mean, I'm not saying that Starbucks makes it all better, but I realise how naïve I was being. Magic isn't everything."

The Diary Of Rose Weasley- Sixth Year And PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now