Chapter 5: Kakashi Is A stupid, Old, Asshole

Start from the beginning

  "Hello? Aisha? Your starring off into space." I snap out of my thoughts and turn my head to Kakashi. His eye moves down to my hands, an eyebrow raised. I hadn't even realized that I was aggressively clenching the soft blanket on top of me.

  Slowly I let go and turn to the silver jonin. "I'm fine." And with that lie I pull the covers over my shoulders and turn away from him. He sighs but let's me be. Although I wasn't really sleeping, something was bugging me about what they had told me.

  Zabuza isn't the type of ninja to be taken down so easily by a kid. Much less by senbon needles. I have this feeling like I'm forgetting something, but what?

  With one thrust of my arm I pull the covers back, alerting Kakashi and I tell him, "Zabuza's still alive."

  "WHAT?!?!" Sakura, Tazuna, and Naruto scream at the same time. "THATS IMPOSSIBLE! WE SAW HIM DEAD!"

  "Just shut up and listen." I scold. "The shinobi hunters who manage corpse disposal are supposed to destroy the bodies of those they kill right on the spot."

  Sakura interrupts, "So what?"

  An anime vein appears on my forehead and before a can scream at her to shut the hell up, Kakashi starts talking. "How did the kid in the mask dispose of Zabuza's corpse?" Naruto gives him a questioning look. "How should I know, he took the body with him."

  "Exactly," I say "even though all he needed was to take the head as proof."
Sasuke begins to register all this in his mind. "No way..."

  "Yes way" Kakashi replies. Tazuna still confused says "The hell kind of nonsense are you all mumbling about? I don't understand."

  I repeat myself from earlier "It's likely that Zabuza's still alive!" My voice flat. Getting the same response they gave earlier I grow an anime vein. I've told them three times and they still don't get it, idiots!

  Kakashi continues explaining "And the weapon he used on Zabuza, you said it was senbon needles, those acupuncture needles that shinobi hunter used can be deadly, if they hit the right vital spot. If not, the mortality rate is low. Shinobi hunters are trained to study the human body and all of its vital spots. It would be easy for one of them to place a person in a near death state."

  He positionshimself in an upright sitting position "First of all, the masked boy went through the trouble of lugging off Zabuza's heavy body. Second, the senbon needles he used as weapons, while potentially deadly, can also be used to inflict non-mortal injury. These points suggest that the kids objective was to give the illusion of killing Zabuza, while he rescued him."

  Clearing his throat, the silver ninja changes to subject, "Anyways, beside Zabuza, there still could be other ninja in service of Gato." Naruto shivers at the thought of Zabuza being alive, but more of an excited shiver like he can't wait to see him again.

  "Kakashi sensei, what are you supposed to do, you can't even move right now?" Sakura questions, to which Kakashi chuckles. "I'm going to increase your training schedule!"

  "What?! Training?! But master Kakashi, what will a little extra training matter against Zabuza?!! Even with your sharingan he almost defeated you!" She screams. Kakashi just smiles. He says something about how much we've grown or something like that. I'm not really paying attention anymore. "This'll be fun!" I hear Naruto say.

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