Chapter 25

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'I can't watch him raise my child, believing it's his own. I want to be a part of this baby's life. If you don't tell him, I will'

Cal's words continued to repeat in Connie's mind.
She wished she hadn't told him now, but the last thing she had expected was for Cal to take an interest in the baby. She thought Cal would be more than willing to keep it a secret, after all, it was Cal who would also suffer repercussions if Jacob found out - his boss was not exactly going to be happy about him sleeping with his girlfriend.
That day, with Cal, it meant nothing to Connie. She had stupidly let the lack of attention from Jacob influence her. She gripped her head in her hands and closed her eyes tightly, wishing she could go back and change that day.
She was aware of the risk Jacob had taken, being with her. He had been cautious of her playful nature at first, worried that he was just another game. But Connie had assured him that he was more than that, that with him it was different. She had meant it. But she had betrayed him.

Connie checked the time. Jacob was due back ten minutes ago. It wasn't surprising that he was caught up at work though, he usually was.

She was going to tell him when he got in, she knew there was no point putting it off. She had to be the one to do it, before Cal did.

She heard a car outside and stood up.
She took a deep breath. This was it.

The front door opened.
"Sorry I'm late"
Jacob untied his shoes and shouted to Connie.

Connie heard him take off his coat and place his keys down, and then the sound of his footsteps approaching the living room where she was stood.
Jacob sighed as he entered the room, he looked tired.
"Jacob, there's something I have to tell you"
"I hope it's something that will cheer me up. Shortly after you left, a RTC involving four cars was brought in, we couldn't save two of them. Tough day today." He took a deep breath and came to stand in front of her. He kissed her cheek and placed his hand gently on her stomach. "But, the thought of you and my little one waiting for me at home helped me through it"
Connie looked up at him and smiled.
She couldn't tell him now.

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