Chapter 21

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Although a year had passed together, Connie and Jacob shared a strange relationship.
Well, it wasn't even an official relationship, as despite the fact that she had now moved in with Jacob, he still refused to admit that he and Connie were in a relationship. Everyone was of course fully aware that they were though.
It was really only himself that Jacob was trying to kid. Getting into a relationship again was one of the things he had vowed never to do, on that fateful day, now 5 years ago.
And, although Jacob had now found the balance between remaining focussed but also having a friendly relationship with his staff, his past did still have a tendency to influence him.

At first, Connie didn't mind that he didn't want to call it a 'relationship'. She wasn't really the type who was looking for a serious relationship - she never had been. She understood Jacob's reservations completely, acknowledging that it was always going to be difficult for Jacob to not let his past influence his future.
But, even carefree Connie, who had never desired to be tied down in a relationship, had fallen hard for Jacob. He wasn't like any of her previous 'love interests', this felt different, real - She was ready for a serious relationship.

While at work, the pair didn't spend much time together. Being clinical lead, Jacob was busy most of the time, and Connie knew he wanted to keep their professional and intimate relationships separate. So, aside from the occasional time they spent together in his office if the ED was quiet, they saved their personal feelings for when they got home.

She tried to be fine about it, but Connie was always going to find the lack of attention from Jacob while on shift difficult. She wasn't used to waiting around for men.
The need for attention was taking its toll on Connie.

For the past year, she had always been aware that another staff member had taken an interest in her.
She had always dismissed him.
Until recently.

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