Chapter 4

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By the end of her first shift at the hospital, Connie had already made quite an impression in the ED.

Although they had all initially dreaded the thought of having to work with her, most of the staff were now warming to her. There was no doubt that underneath her somewhat arrogant personna, she was clearly a talented and caring nurse and would be a positive asset to the ED team.

One particular staff member certainly couldn't keep the new nurse off his mind. Jacob sighed and dropped the pen he was holding onto his desk so he could hold his head in his hands. He couldn't concentrate on his paperwork, and it didn't help that he couldn't keep his thoughts from wandering to the new nurse.

Connie's outspoken nature irritated Jacob, but even he couldn't deny her skill as a nurse, in addition to her exceptional bedside manner.

God get a grip Jacob, he thought, as he laughed to himself. Besides, Jacob didn't have time for personal relations of any kind.
Jacob's ever professional front had always prevented him from bonding and connecting with his department staff.
But, he was fine with that: he had a department to run and he was never going to let anything compromise his focus. He had learned the hard way in the past that distractions could have devastating consequences...

Jacob pushed back his chair and rose from his desk. Stethoscope in hand, he walked to the door of his office where he stopped for a moment to scan his eyes over his department.
He held his head high and strode into the busy ED.

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