Chapter 28

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"Connie, I thought you were going home...what are you doing in here?"
Jacob was surprised when he opened his office door and found Connie sat, cross legged on the floor.
"Waiting for you" Connie looked up and shrugged, a distant expression on her face, before returning her gaze to the floor.

Jacob approached her and sighed as he slowly made his way down to the floor and set next to her.
"Well I guess I will join you then"

The two of them sat in silence, both wrapped up in their own thoughts.

Connie turned her head and looked at Jacob, who continued his gaze forwards.
"You're never going to forgive me, are you"

A long, dragging, moment of silence passed before Jacob answered.
"Connie, I can't just pretend everything is alright and that everything will be fine."

Jacob paused briefly and Connie prepared for the worst. This was it, it was over.

"You hurt me Connie. I trusted you and you let me down. What you did was wrong and so stupid, but I realise that I have to take some of the blame, the reason you did it was down to me. I thought I had finally found the perfect balance between work and my personal life, but I haven't, have I? I tried Connie, I tried to ensure I spent enough time with you and thought I had finally got it right, but I failed and maybe if I had got it right, we wouldn't be sitting here right now. We all make mistakes, we all do stupid things that we regret. I'm not saying what you did was alright Connie, but I know what guilt feels like, I know what it feels like to be consumed by it, like there's no way out. It wouldn't be fair for me to let you feel like that, let you put the blame solely on yourself, because I haven't been treating you like you deserve to be treated. It might take a while but..."
Jacob finally turned and looked at Connie. He held her hands in his.
"we will get there, eventually, because I love you Connie."
Connie looked at him through the layer of tears that was now present over her eyes.
She gave him a small smile and hesitantly rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too. I'm sorry" she whispered.

A pleasant silence once again filled the office as the pair savoured the moment together.

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