Chapter 23

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Jacob sat in his office and smiled to himself. He was happy.
His thoughts turned to Connie, the woman who had helped him let go of his past, helped him realise that he could be happy and still be a good doctor.
And now, she had given him a chance to make it right for his future son or daughter. He wasn't going to let them down this time.

Connie's shift started a few hours after Jacob's. She arrived at the hospital and immediately scanned the department, there was someone she needed to speak to, but he was no where to be seen.

Connie avoided Jacob for the whole of her shift. It wasn't a difficult task, since the pair rarely saw each other at work anyway.

Today it was someone else she needed to see. She crossed paths with him numerous times throughout the day, but there hadn't been a convenient time for them to speak alone.

Finally, as her shift was drawing to an end, she saw him.
He was in the staff room, there was no one else in there with him, it was the perfect opportunity.
She paused outside, contemplating whether to go in, but she knew that she had to tell him.
She took a deep breath and walked in.

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