Chapter 11

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"I'm sorry"

Zoe slowly turned around to face him, she could hear the guilt in his voice.
"It's not me you need to apologise to."

Jacob looked at her.
"Look, I know I shouldn't have said that to Connie, just something she said... I lost it"
Zoe watched him look away from her and stare meaninglessly at the wall.
She instantly felt guilty about the harsh words she had said and slowly walked towards him. She crouched down in front of him so she was at eye level.
She spoke softly this time.
"Jacob, listen to me. You have to stop blaming yourself for her death"
"But I should have been there"
"Even if you had been in resus when she arrived, you wouldn't have saved her. Her injuries were far too serious Jacob. Besides, you wouldn't have been allowed to treat her as a family member"
"I should have been next to her, even if it was just to hold her hand one last time, but I let her down Zoe. I was all she had and I let her down. I was distracted, I let my focus slip. How could I be so stupid! All those times you told me to be more professional, to stay more focussed and I didn't listen, I was always too tempted by distractions"

"Distractions..." Zoe muttered.
She stared in disbelief, as it finally clicked.

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