Chapter 16

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Jacob drove into the hospital car park and pulled into his usual space. He waited in the car for a while, as he watched the early morning sun transform the sky into an array of pink and orange.
He couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Connie last night.

He had felt something; he swore she felt it too. But was that just wishful thinking?
He cleared his head and took a deep breath.

Addressing his past with Zoe and Connie yesterday had been difficult, but for the first time in 4 years, the guilt that had been weighing down on him lifted slightly.

Today was a new day. It was time to focus on the future.
He opened the boot of his car and picked up his brief case, then headed inside.

As he made his way to his office, he saw Connie approaching him, busy with some notes.
Just the sight of her caused the feelings to flood back. He quickly took out his phone and scrolled through his emails.

Connie glanced up from her notes and saw Jacob approaching, busy on his phone. She quickly looked back down at her notes.

As they passed each other, they both looked up.

"Good morning nurse Beauchamp" Jacob smiled at Connie.
"Good morning, Mr Masters" Connie returned the smile.

Both paused for a second, before continuing on their way.

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