Chapter 5

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It had been 2 weeks since she had started the job, and Connie already fitted in like she had been there for years. Even Rita who had doubts at first, was happy to have her part of the team.
It definitely helped that she had toned down a little since her arrival, making her a lot more bearable to have around – well, that wasn't exactly the case where Jacob was concerned.

Connie spotted Jacob, who had just arrived. He was just the man she was waiting for – she had some important patient notes to give him. She walked over to him. "Good morning Jacob".
"Mr Masters to you"
Connie just smiled. That irritating, but infectious, smile that she always seemed to save for him.
Jacob turned his head to glare at the nurse, who had now begun to walk alongside him. "Can I assist you with anything, nurse Beauchamp?"
"I don't know, can you?". Connie's loved watching the clinical lead try his best not to give in and remain professional.
"I mean now that you mention it, I'm sure I could use your assistance with few things later..." Connie tilted her head seductively.
By now they had reached Jacob's office and they stopped outside.
Connie held out the notes she needed to give him. "here you are boss".
Connie walked away, she was confident that Jacob would still be watching her, so without turning around she added "let me know when you're ready to assist me".
Connie was right – Jacob was still staring at the nurse as she walked away. He checked to see if anyone had witnessed their conversation to find Zoe biting her lip to prevent the laughter escaping her mouth. She raised her eyebrows at Jacob knowingly.

Jacob gave a nervous cough before entering his office, ensuring the door shut behind him.
Jacob had never been one to tolerate such unprofessionalism from staff in his department. Usually, he was always the one who had the last word when it came to any kind of unprofessionalism from his staff in the department. When it came to Connie though, he was finding himself increasingly more often being the one left in awe.

He closed his eyes. Don't let her become a distraction he pleaded to himself, as he could feel history beginning to repeat itself.

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