Chapter 12

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"What are you mumbling about Zoe?"
Zoe shook her head and smiled. "You're so stupid sometimes Jacob"
Jacob looked back at her, confused.
"You push everyone away, because you want to stay focussed, but not everyone is a distraction Jacob"
"My position as clinical lead requires focus. I don't have time to make friends Zoe, I'm here to save lives"

Zoe looked at the man sat in front of her, hardly recognisable from his former self.

..."Zoe, I didn't realise you worked here, when did you move?"
Zoe recognised that voice. She turned around to find Jacob, dressed smartly in a suit.
"I could say the same for you" she smiled warmly at him.
She hadn't seen him for a year, since he left their old hospital shortly after Charlotte's death. He had isolated everyone.
"Well, you're looking at your new clinical lead"
"I swear you always used to tell me that being clinical lead would never be for you..."
"And I distinctly remember you telling me that if I was more focussed and motivated, I could go far. People change Zoe."
Zoe was surprised, she had always told him to be more determined to achieve more, but he had never listened to her. Progressing in his career would require effort, something that Jacob always complained about. She was pleased for him though. After seeing him at rock bottom after his daughter's death she was worried he would never recover. It appeared he was finally beginning to look up.
But Zoe had soon found herself working with a man she hardly recognised. The happy, cheeky, carefree consultant she used to work with had disappeared, now only a distant memory. Instead, a cold hearted, clinical lead stood in his place...

"I think we both know that this is about more than just you fulfilling your role as clinical lead though Jacob" she raised her eyebrows at him. "It's time for you to let yourself be happy again. I completely understand, and admire, how determined you are to remain focussed but you're allowed to let people in, it's all about balance"

Jacob thought about what she was saying, his mind telling him to ignore her.
But for the first time in 4 years, he listened to his heart. Telling him Zoe was right.
'It's all about balance'...
He could carry on isolating himself, his eyes firmly focussed on nothing but work.
Or, he could begin to move forward with his life.

"I've really made a mess of my life haven't I"
Zoe smiled at him. She was finally getting through to him.
"It's never too late to make it right. I think there's a nurse you need to speak to and apologise to - and before you deny it, I know you like her"
Jacob smiled sheepishly and looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about"
Zoe never thought she would see it again, but there, in his smile, she caught a glimpse of the old Jacob.
"Well, I will leave you to it".
"Thank you Zoe, for everything" a genuine smile formed on his lips.

Jacob took a deep breath as he neared her.
"Nurse Beauchamp, can I have a word please?"
She continued to look at the notes in her hands.
"I'm busy, Mr Masters, can it wait?"
"Listen, Connie, about earlier-"
"Look, you made it perfectly clear how you feel and that's fine, just forget about it. Let's just keep this professional shall we. It was only a bit of fun, after all."
She had found the notes she was looking for, so put the rest back and walked away.

Jacob watched her walk away. He really had messed this up.
Maybe it's for the best, he thought, it was all just a bit of fun to her.

Connie waited until she had turned around the corner, she stopped and closed her eyes, to contain the tears that threatened to form.
Get over him, she thought, he doesn't like you.

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