Chapter 2

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"Mr Masters, you're needed in resus".
Jacob rose from his chair and picked up his stethoscope which lay on his desk before striding to resus.

"Ok what have we got?" Jacob looked to the staff already treating the patient. One staff member in particular caught his eye - must be the new nurse he thought. Something about her intrigued him though, but he instantly tried to suppress the thoughts as he reached for a pair of gloves so he could treat the patient.


"Good morning muscles. Let me introduce my self - Connie Beauchamp" Connie confidently introduced herself to a surprised Jacob who was stood at the nurses station studying a patient's notes.

Jacob stared at the new nurse in utter disbelief, never had he worked with someone of this nature. Confidence was obviously not a problem for Connie and she was already pushing the boundaries, but this strangely intrigued Jacob.

"it's Mr Masters, nurse Beauchamp. I see you are settling in just fine around here".
"Sure have. Now you will have to excuse me - patients to treat!" Jacob watched Connie walk towards cubicles, and couldn't help admire how undeniably attractive this woman's figure was. She wore the same uniform as the other nurses, but unlike the others who found it particularly unflattering, it suited Connie like it was made for her, and only seemed to exaggerate her features.

Connie had only walked a short distance before turning around - "as soon as I find out where the kettle lives around here I will make you a cuppa, look like you could use one" Connie smiled playfully before continuing on her way to cubicles.

Jacob had to suppress his amusement and looked to the floor to hide a slight smile that played on his lips.

The encounter hadn't gone unnoticed by Rita who had been stood nearby.
Jacob turned to her: "Confident and attentive. Could teach your nurses a thing or two don't you think?"
Rita opened her mouth in disbelief at the words coming from Jacob.
"More like rude and full of herself. She hasn't been here a day yet and already thinks she owns the place" Rita muttered in reply as Jacob  smirked. He placed the notes down next to him, returned his stethoscope to his neck, and marched to his office.


The ED had just been informed of an incoming trauma, so Jacob was on his way to resus. He spotted Cal and Connie on his way, who were looking at some notes together.

"Ah nurse Beauchamp, with me in resus please" Jacob called.

"Connie is just assisting me with a case in cubicles, can you not ask Rita?"
Jacob was not happy with Cal's response and turned immediately to face him.
"Dr Knight, I need nurse Beauchamp with me in resus now. I suggest you find another nurse to assist you."

Connie, who had been watching with amusement, laughed, causing both men to look in her direction.
"Please gentlemen no need to fight over me"

Cal and Jacob just looked at each other, feeling slightly awkward.
"Guess I will go and find another nurse then" Cal said bluntly as he walked away.

Connie placed her hand on her hip.
"Lead the way to resus then, boss"

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