Chapter 19

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"Good morning everyone! Working well I hope" Jacob smiled as he passed the department staff who were gathered together.

They all looked at each other in disbelief.
"Please tell me I'm seeing things?" Cal turned to Rita, who just stood with her mouth open.

Jacob had been their clinical lead for 3 years now, but never had they seen such enthusiasm and smile.
No one knew how to react, just continued to stare after him in shock.

Jacob hadn't got very far before he was met by Connie.

Unaware to Jacob, all eyes where still on him during his flirty encounter with Connie.
It was immediately clear to the staff that it was clearly more than friends.

Charlie looked to the others. "You don't think..."
Cal nodded. "Yep, they definitely got it on last night"
Rita bit her lip to prevent a laugh escaping "explains the good mood this morning, doesn't it"

They all burst out laughing. Jacob was close enough to hear the sudden outburst and turned around in curiosity.
But the team quickly dispersed and hurried in their various directions, still giggling in amusement.

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