I looked away as we entered the school. I got down and waited for Blaze as he parked his car. We walked in and made in the class just in time as Mrs. Quentin entered the class just as sat down. I greeted Liam and Blaze fist bumped him.

The lecture seemed to drag on and on. Every five minutes I looked at the clock, the slower time would pass. In the end, Liam and I ended up talking through chits about The Lion King (don't even ask).

The day couldn't pass any slower and I couldn't be more relieved when lunch rolled around. By the time we settled down, Sean was laughing at literally anything anyone was saying.

"Are you high?" Damien finally asked.

"No, it's hey." Sean replied, rolling his eyes.

"Hey is for horses." Blaze butted in.

How did I end up with these lameandstupidbutawesome friends?

"When are we hanging out next?" Connor asked.

"Not today, I have a history text tomorrow." I said.

"You're such a nerd." Damien said.

"Oh well."

"Let's go paint balling tomorrow." Liam suggested.

"I am in." Liz was the first to say. A choruses of me too's followed shortly after and so, the plan was made.

"So we skipping school?" Ashton asked.

"OH GOD. No!" I exclaimed.

Everyone around the table jumped a bit and had startled expressions on their faces.

"Nov, no need to shout." Blaze said.

"Sorry" I said sheepishly, "History text, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Recognition was clear on Noah's face.

The bell rang and I banged my head on the table. "Why can't the day be over already!" I asked rhetorically.

"Oh Alaska, it can." Leo said. "Let's just sneak out."

I agreed. Blaze did. Liam did. Damien did. And so did the others.

We all waited till the others dispersed and tip toed to the back door of the school. I placed my hand on the handle and turned it. It didn't budge.

"It's locked." I said, stating the obvious.

"Are you sure that the cameras here aren't working?" Noah spoke up.

"Positive. I had been to the principle's office earlier today and all of them back here aren't working." Blaze said.

"So what do we do now?" Sean said.

"Get the keys, duh." Liam said. "Someone come with me."

"I will." Liz said.

Of course she will.

I slid down against the wall and pulled up my knees as my bum made contact with the cold ground. After a few minutes, they returned and Liam smirked.

"Here." Liam placed a cool object against my warm skin. I looked at it and they were a bunch of keys.

"Liz distracted the janitor and I borrowed him from him without him knowing." He explained.

I smiled and got to my feet. I tried the first key, it wouldn't enter. The second didn't either. After a few tries, I finally got to the right key and opened the door, taking extra care not to make any noise.

"One of has has to give the keys back." Liam said.

"I will." I volunteered. He nodded and said, "Go, Blaze and I will stay back, wait."

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