I nodded and said, "Yeah. I just need to sit down for a few minutes, then I'll be right as rain." I said taking deep breaths.

     "So I'm going out on a limb here, but I don't think you're a heights fan are you?" he asked his usual humor returning to his voice and eyes.

     I narrowed my eyes and said, with sarcasm I might add, "No. What made you think that?"

     He laughed and the others came out a few minutes later. By then the shaking in my legs had stopped and I regained control of my breathing. Then the humans, including the tour guide, came out after them. Then the other humans came out of the house and over to us. Our group went with Matt, the other tour guide, while the other group went to Stan.

     "Great. More stairs." Angel mumbled under breath.

     We laughed while the humans looked at us strangely. Angel said that so the humans couldn't hear it, but us having wolf hearing heard her perfectly. We shrugged off their strange looks and Matt led us up the porch stairs to the first floor. When we got to the room, there were chairs, but there weren't enough for all of us. But that wasn't really a problem, because us girls sat on our mates' laps while the humans sat on their own. Again we got strange looks but again we just brushed them off.

     Then Matt went on to explain the history of the house. He said that there was three little girls that died and no haunted the house. He said that they drowned in the near by pond, due to an accident that resulted in the three little girls and one little boy to be trapped under a large metal pipe under water. The little boy was saved but the girls were no so fortunate. One girl was black while the others were white. They were all around the age of 12 or 13. It's said that they have been seen in the house and sometimes heard. Matt even has a picture posted on Facebook of what looks like a girl around 12 years old. (AN: They really do have a pic of that. Unfortunately cant remember their page. So sorry.      D-:)

     Then he led us to another room that had all these cut outs and crap. Liam actually jumped at a cut out. Can't really blame him though it is really creepy. Any way, after talking about some things people have reported seeing or hearing, we went into the living room, where in this glass cabinet, was a doll. You know. One of those creep weird dolls that look like they're gonna jump out at you at any second. Yeah, that kind of doll.

     Then we went down to the basement where there is this kitchen. Matt said that young women have been, felt up, by the spirit of a man that used to live here. A few of the humans said something like 'A pervert ghost.' and we all laughed, Matt included.

Men have been know to feel pushed or sudden and brief bursts of anger. Then Matt asked for volunteers. He asked for a girl about 18 years old, and a man about 18 as well.

     "You there." Matt said pointing to me. "How old are you Miss?" he asked.

     "18." I replied.

     "Would you like to volunteer Miss?"

     "Sure, why not." I answered with a smile.

     Then he pointed to my left at a human. "You sir. How old are you?" Matt repeated.

     "18." the guy answered.

     "And would you like to volunteer?"

     The guy shrugged and said 'okay.' Matt told us to sit in the chairs at an old table and we did. As we sat Matt started to explain a little bit about the guy that used to live here. As he was explaining I felt something touch the back of my neck. I shivered at the cold. Then I felt something touch my leg and go all the way up to my thigh before it went away. I started squirming in the chair because of how cold the feelings were. Then I jumped  slightly when I felt cold lips bite my neck. Matt noticed.

     "Are you okay Miss?" he asked.

     I looked over at Harry and saw he was concerned. I nodded. "Yeah, it just felt like someone was touching me."

     "Like how?" Matt asked.

     "Well first it felt like someone was touching the back of my neck. Then it felt like someone was running their hand up my leg to my thigh on my left side. Then it felt like he nipped at my neck." I said reaching up to my neck.

     "Well you can get up now we're nearly finished." he said. I nodded, stood up, and went over to Harry. He hugged me tight and I hugged him back. Matt asked the other guy if he felt anything an the guy said no. Then the guy got up and we all left the room.

     When we were all outside again, the guides said he had an hour on our own. All us wolves went off in separate groups. We went with each other's mates and we each went on our own. Basically there are five groups, one pair of mates making up one group.

     Harry and I went to the back where there was a tire swing and an old trailer. We looked around with the glow sticks and our wolf vision. I heard a branch snap over to my left and I swiveled my head to the sound. I looked into the trees but couldn't see anything, so I went back over to Harry.

     When we were by the large oak tree and out of everyone's view, Harry pushed me up against it. He growled and buried his head in my neck peppering it with butterfly kisses and nipping from time to time, but not enough to give me any love bites or hickies. At least I don't think so. He grabbed my left leg and wrapped it around his waist. Then he trailed his hand from my ankle to my thigh mush like I felt in the basement but his hands are warm and inviting not cold and disgusting.

     "You are mine. Only I can touch you like this and kiss you. Not even a ghost can touch you, I don't care. You belong to me." he whispered in my ear.

     "I'm yours Harry. Only yours." I whispered with my eyes closed and my head tilted back so my face was to the sky.

     "And don't you forget it." he said. He grabbed my chin and kiss my lips hungrily. I kissed him back with the same hunger and soon both of my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was holding me on the tree. We broke apart for air and Harry let me down. We went back to the others after a few more minutes of looking around. We left soon after.

     After the lighthouse we all went back to Aunt Laura and Jake's house. When we got there the others went to bed. Aunt Laura Jake Sammy and James were already asleep. Harry and I went to our room when everyone was gone.

     When we got there, I took off the sweater I wore above my tank top. All of a sudden I was thrown on the bed and strong body was hovering over me seconds after. I looked up and found Harry's face just inches from my own. I looked into his eyes and they were nearly black with lust as I'm sure mine were as well. I leaned up and kissed him with all the love I possessed. Needless to say, that was the night that we finally finished  the mating process.


Awwwww, they finally mated! Yay! Any way, sorry about the late update I couldn't think of anything. Thnx for all the comments and votes on my story. You guys are truly amaZayn an di love you all! Well you know the drill.








LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! :-D


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