"Hi!" screamed Charlotte; she was a short, round and perky woman.

She throws the best parties and she had four children. Her husband on the other hand was tall, slim and was a bit miserable.

"Hi Carol," I said giving her a friendly hug.

"Jim," said my husband.

"Brad," said Jim, as they shook each other's hand.

"Come in," said Carol excitedly. "The ladies are in the kitchen and Brad the men are in the game room. Jim be a dear and show him where."

As I entered the kitchen, I saw Rosie Derkins, our Asian neighbour. She was a tall, slim, brown-haired woman in a red dress; Tammy Lee, our Chinese neighbour with black short hair, green eyes and in a green dress and finally Dani Fagan, she wore a pink dress that hugged her body, her brunette hair rested on her shoulders and her blue eyes were staring at me. She was all-American.

I hated her. Dani was just a damn slut, she slept with most of the men in the neighbourhood for fun, and most if not all of them were married.

"Hi, Tammy, Rosie and oh, Dani I see you're still healthy and fine. I thought you would have caught HIV and be slowly fading away." I said.

"Oh no, you thought wrong, Shania. Hm, I think that dress is too much for you, darling. You look like a bobble-head. Remember black is a slimming colour and you're a thread so you should stay away from it," she replied sipping on her alcohol.

"I don't think you should be telling me to stay away from things. I think you have a problem staying away from men even when they are wrinkled and can barely raise it."

"Okay!" butted in Carol. "Anyone for drinks?"

"I can't. I have a big day tomorrow with the boss. I need a clear head," I replied while Dani rolled her eyes.

Just that minute I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. It was a message from Brad.

Brady Boo:

Meet me in the closet beside the bathroom.


What are you planning? :/

Brady Boo:

Just do it. It will be worth it ;)


Okay... I'll be there.

"Um, Carol where is your bathroom?"

"Down the hall, first door on the left," she replied and I thanked her.

I left the kitchen, went down the hall and beside the bathroom where the closet was.

I entered the closet; it was dark and a bit clustered. I searched for the light switch and as I did I felt someone grab me and kiss me.

His lips were on mine demandingly and I could feel the passion in the kiss. He bit my bottom lip causing me to give him entry to my mouth. Our tongues danced together until my tongue felt numb but there was something off about this situation.

Why would Brad need to kiss me here? He enjoyed Public Displays of Affection.

He held my waist and pressed me on the wall forcing his body on me.

The Gangleader's Obsession  ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant