What If...I Wasnt Here

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Peridot's Pov




 . ' M-maybe everything would be better if I weren't here...maybe he would have been happier with Connie... I just had to ruin it....Maybe it would have been better if... I never interfered with his life...' Sad emotions start to dwell inside me. 

"Peridot...are you okay?" He looks me deeply in the eyes. I try to answer but I started to feel myself start trembling. 'W-what it's happening again...' I feel my eyes start to get watery. "P-Peridot are you going to...cry?" His face starts to sadden even more. 

I try to hold my normal face but as I think deeply about what Connie said, all of my emotions show up on my face. "...I-I'm f-f-f" I try to finish my sentence but my voice starts to shake.I try to hold it in but it slowly gets past me. 'W-Why do I feel so weak...'  I feel a small stream of water slowly come down the side of my cheek.

 "P-peridot it's okay to cry...just let it out" He whispers softly and  wraps his arm around me tightly. I hesitate before I slowly start to let more streams come down my face.I slowly let out all of the emotions I had buried inside. I start to sob uncontrollably and wrapped my arms around Steven. He held me even tighter making my heart race a little.

"I know, Connie was a total...clod, but don't let her get to you..." Steven cuffs my face in his hands forcing me to look up into his eyes. I pull away and turn my back towards him."Maybe she's right, though..." I stare down at the ground shamefully.

 "Look at all the catastrophe I have created for you ...I mean how can you even stand me!! I'm just a chore to look after,  m-maybe everything would be happier for you if I-I...just disappeared...I mean the gems could finish the drill on their own...me being here i-is just pointless" I start to slowly back away as more water comes back down my cheeks. 

"P-Peridot please don't feel that way. This night was off to a good start and it wasn't you who caused the problem! I don't care if Connie ever comes back...I'm just happy that you're still here...and if you disappeared I don't know what I'll do...I'll probably search for you even if it kills me. Peridot you being here is very important...t-to me and I'll do anything to keep you here. Taking you out isn't a chore to me...it's more than that." He wraps his arms around me and looks me in the eyes. "These moments that I share with you  will stick with me for a long time...and I don't ever want to lose them and the truth is...I really like you a lot...and I would never want you to go, you make each day happier just from being here and being the person you are. The crystal gems are glad to have you here and...I'm glad to have you here." He wipes the tears off my face and my heart starts to beat fast. 

"I-I like you a lot too...I-I-I mean I am fond of you and the crystal gems, I-I mean I do like you but in the other way! GAH! I like you, you know n-not like-" Steven leans in and presses his lips against my cheek and I immediately shut up. My face heats up rapidly and I touch my cheek after he does it. 

"W-what was that?" I rub my cheek embarrassed. " Oh, it was a kiss on the cheek because you were acting so cute just now!" He smiles. 

"W-What I wasn't! A-Anyway what does kiss mean?!" I ask him. ' Kiss...sounds familiar  ' I ponder. "W-Well there are two types of kisses...." His face flushes. "There's a kiss on the cheek a-and...a kiss on the lips. The kiss on the cheek is just, you know something to show that I care about you." He then stops for a moment. 

"O-Okay so what d-does the other one mean..." I blush and I start to feel awkward for asking. "W-Well you give t-the person you're in love with a kiss on the lips...l-like someone you care deeply about, y-you give i-it to the person y-you really like...You know like on camp pining hearts how Paulette and Percy kiss at the beginning of the episode" His face flushes.

 "Oooh so that what it's called...I always hated that part... that should have been Pierre!" I cross my arms. 

"Could of been. Anyway, we should really look for Pearl and Amethyst! They've probably been looking for us for hours" Steven realizes and he takes my hand. "We better go!" He looks at me and I nod my head.We start to walk off .' So a kiss huh...wait!' I start to remember when Stevens' face was coming close to mine when we were dancing. 'W-was he going to...kiss me on the lips.' My heart thumps faster and my eyes widen. 

(And done yeah yeah yeah I know it's Sunday morning lol . But here you go next chapter will come out either Monday or Tuseday. Hope you enjoyed , bye bye Connie)

This Weird Feeling Called Love -stevidot ffWhere stories live. Discover now