I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face while I thought, "You're a friend from work. I had to work a few night shifts. You offered me a place to stay because you live near the coffee shop."

"You work at a coffee shop?" he asked in confusion.

"Nope. But my mother thinks I have for..." I trailed off as I tried to think back that far. Unable to produce a solid number, I said, "Well, since I started sneaking out to do villainous deeds."

He chuckled.

"May I borrow your phone when you get the chance?"

"Oh, yeah," he smiled.

Parents just left.

I internally chastised Emily for freaking me out again. Lawrence shot a funny look at my jumpiness.

"I-uh... When were your parents supposed to leave?"

He checked his watch again, "Right about now." He stood up straight and said, "I'll go see if they're still here."

He returned a few moments later and helped me to my feet. I didn't have to lean on him as heavily as I expected and instead was able to clutch him for balance as I hobbled into the kitchen.

Emily presented a plate of French toast and I greedily accepted it as I collapsed into a dining room chair. I hadn't realized how hungry I'd been until that smell wafted into my nostrils. In seconds, the plate was scraped clean.

Lawrence held out his phone and I took it hesitantly, not really ready to speak to my mother.

I punched in the numbers and listened as the phone rang.

My mother's tired voice answered on the fourth ring, "Is that you, Johanna?"

"Yeah," I said quietly.

She breathed a sigh of relief before her voice turned to anger, "Where have you been!"

"I'm sorry. I've been so exhausted. I've been working some double shifts and a coworker let me stay at their house. I ended up working really late these last few nights, so I haven't had a chance to call."

Her end was silent for a while, "Are you at this coworkers house right now?"

"Yeah," I said.

"May I speak with them?" I pressed the phone to my shoulder and looked between the siblings. Hearing my internal pleas, Emily volunteered right away.

"Yeah, here she is," I handed the phone over.

"Hi, Ms. Dunston," she said quite perkily, "My name is Emily. I'm a friend of Johanna's."

"How long have you been working together, Emily?" My mother sounded quite intrigued on the other end of the line.

"Oh, a few months," she spilled out responses like a pro. A few nods and perky responses later, the phone was handed back to me.

"When are you coming home?" my mom asked, anger no longer fused in her tone.

I yawned, "I think I'm going to get a little more rest before I head home. Probably be back around dinner, is that okay?"

She sighed, "Fine. See you then."

With that, she hung up the phone and the three of us breathed sighs of relief.

"I think I need to retire," I grumbled as I buried my face into my arms.

"I think you need to tell your mom," Lawrence said. His arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned casually against the wall.

"Ha. That's a good one," I lifted my head up and acted as though Lawrence had just told a decently funny joke. He shot me a stern look and I quieted, "Fine. I'll tell my mom, when you tell yours."

He became suddenly serious as he stood up straight, "You could've died, Johanna. I think your mother has a right to know that her daughter nearly got beaten to death by an up and coming superhero. She has a right to know where you sneak off to at night, what you do in your spare time."

I didn't know how to respond. My eyes seemed to be glued to the floor as Lawrence spoke words of truth.

My view was interrupted by his feet and I looked up to meet his eyes.

"It's time to tell her."





Hey guys! This chapter was a little slow, but Johanna needed a day of recovery. Things are going to start twisting soon.

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