39- Light it Up, Take it Down

Start from the beginning

'What about you?' Levi's voice asked, concerned.

"I'll be mowing a way to the Kaiser's office. Be prepared to get directions."

We kept running, knocking out as many people as we could. I caught Chris killing a few, but the most I could do right now was sternly scold him.

I made a right turn into the main office in front of the actual arena, busting open the double doors. Like I'd expected, it was empty.

"This is creepy as hell," Chris muttered.

"Yeah, it is now," I led him further back, where the seating was, "but you should've seen it when we all fought here." From here, we could see the whole of the arena, which was pretty much just a dirt field now.

We jogged half the circle until we were at the locked doors that led to the long and fancy hallway that led to the Kaiser's office.

"It's locked," Chris said.

"No shit. You seem to be forgetting that I broke you in and out of prison. Give me a minute and we'll be in."

I got to work, snagging the rake against the levers inside the small lock. You know, it's surprisingly easy to break into houses? I mean all you need is... Right, not the time.

The lock clicked. I grabbed onto the handle before it could slide open. Slowly, I peeked through the door. The hall wasn't empty. Inside it, stood three people. Good Cop, Bad Cop, and Bailee, the swordswoman I fought during the tournament. Well, this wasn't going to be easy.

"Take out the two guys," I whispered to Chris as we stepped into their line of sight. "I'll take on the girl."

"Shadow," Bailee's voice called, "I should've guessed. You can never trust a criminal. What happened to Squadron Five? Did you kill them all to get out?"

"Actually, they basically begged me to take them out of this hellhole. Clover too actually. Apparently, the thug life's better than this prison. Oh, and the name's Lena."

"Lena? Nice. Too bad you're a threat to the Kaiser and I'll have to kill you."

She drew her sword and pointed it at me. I drew my daggers, meeting her fierce glare.

She charged first, taking a swing from above me. As if she thought that could hurt me. I tipped to the left, but she wasn't done. The sword followed me, as if she knew where I was going. My right hand shot up, catching the attack.

"Don't forget," she gritted out, "I know your weakness. Anything to protect that left side."

I gave a wicked grin and then lunged with my left hand, dagger at the ready. I prepared for the refreshing feeling of metal puncturing skin, but it never came. She'd back stepped before I could make the fatal blow.

I growled out at her, "Don't underestimate me."


She came again, lunging at me with a straightforward stab. Seeing it coming, I brought my knees up, hitting her in the stomach and taking the wind out of her. She doubled back, and I took the chance to make another hit.

This time, my ankle came around and nailed her in my stomach. Don't forget, I keep a dagger tied right above my ankle, so the hit was all metal. She grunted against the hit, which she wasn't quick enough to catch.

She looked up at me, eyes begging for mercy, or a break at least. But I was cruel. I kept going. My fist collided with her face. I felt her nose snapping and then warm blood pooling on the top of my hand.

She fell back, unconscious. Maybe she was dead. There was a fifty-fifty chance that her nose went back into her head and punctured her brain, killing her.

She coughed, gargling blood. Yep, she was alive.

I turned back to Chris who'd just taken a dagger out of Bad Cops throat. I let a little bliss fill me at the thought of sweet vengeance. Good Cop was laying on the floor, but I wasn't sure if her was dead or alive. I kinda hoped he was alive. I liked him, in a he'd an officer, I'm a criminal kinda way.

"Ready?" He asked, looking back to me.

I took in a deep breath and then nodded. We kept going down the hall-

Something sharp stabbed my shoulder.

"C-chris?" I mumbled, falling to the ground.

"Lena!" He shouted.

At least I knew he hadn't betrayed me. Reaching for my left shoulder with a shaking hand, I felt a long slender arrow protruding from it.

"I'm really sorry," a trembling voice said.

I turned, my eyes wide with hurt, and more than just physical. And there stood a little black haired hamster with shaking hands and tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry."


-Authors Note-

Sorry for the short chapter. It's sad to say, but this story's almost done. It kind of hurts me just thinking about it.

Comment how you think it's going to end!

Honestly, I'm still deciding. Love you all and thanks for reading so far.

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