Yo Mama Part 1

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Yo Mama So Fat:

1)She sat on an IPod and made the IPad

2)When she wanted to buy a water bed, they had to put a blanket, over the ocean

3)The Sorting hat put her all four houses

4)She was arrested for carrying 200 pounds of CRACK!

5)I took a picture of her last Christmas, and it's still printing.

6)Not even Dora can explore her.

7)She's got more chins than a Hong Kong phone book

8)She wore a yellow rain coat and people called TAXI

9)You have to grease a door and hold a Twinkie on the other side to get her through

10)She put on her lipstick with a paint roller

11)Mt Everest tried to climb her

12)When she wears one of those X shirts helicopters try to land on her

13)She left the house in high heels and came back in flip flops

14)She went to KFC for some chicken, when they asked her what size she said the one on the roof

15)She sued Xbox 360 for guessing her weight

16)She gave Dracula diabetes

17)She needs two watches for each time zone she's in

18)Her blood type is nutella

19)She sat on Wal-Mart and lowered the prices

20)It took three years for nation ide to get on her side

21)She doesn't taste the rainbow, she inhales it

22)She jumped in the air and got stuck

23)When she got hit by a bus she asked "Who threw that rock?"

24)People jog around her for exercise

25)Her DNA is DOR (for DORito)

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