Twilight Jokes

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1) City of Forks. Population:3,175 Vampires: 8.5

2) Forget about princess I want to be a vampire when I grow up

3) Wait a minute, he's hundreds of years old, only comes out at night and he might have the power of flight.... OMG SANTAS A VAMPIER!!!!

4) Real men don't sparkle, real men defeat dark wizards

5) Mike: I wish I could La Push you off a cliff! Jacob: Well I'm a stick a Forks in you! Bella: Worst puns ever.

6) WARNING! Having a vampire might be hazardous to your health

7) When life gives Edward lemons, he throws them at Jacob

8) "I know what you are... your skin is....pale white cold...." "Say it" "....Vanilla Ice Cream"

9) So I was at this huge sleepover at my school, like 50 girls and they decided to play New Moon, half way through somebody screamed WHERE'S EDWARD!?!?!?!?

10) I took my friend to the doctor the other day and she called him Carlisle.

11) Vampire's are always extremely beautiful, indestructible, cold and they drink blood. Their voices become alluring so do you think Justin Beiber would get better if he was turned into a vampire or would he just stay a prepubescent girly haired freak?

THE TEN THOUSAND STUPID THINGS!!!!! (JK)Where stories live. Discover now