11. Colton Hastings doesn't get jealous.

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This is probably the shortest chapter in the book. So the nest update will be in a day or two.

Click on the Vote button, that sexy star, it hardly takes two seconds and makes me smile for two days! <3

Chapter 11.

Colton Hastings doesn't get jealous.


Café Day was a small coffee and cupcake shop that sold reasonable yet extremely delicious creamy and unhealthy food. It was exactly what anyone would need on a hot Sunday morning. Starbucks was just a few blocks away from it, still Café Day was never short of customers. Majority students preferred Café Day due to its not-so-soaring-the-sky rates. Plus they rarely wrote the names on the cups wrong.

It was exactly 9.58 am when I entered the peaceful space. The scent of hot choco-latte and chocolate cakes instantly hit my nose and I breathed it in with delight. Who doesn't love the aroma of coffee?

I smiled at the cashier girl who was a junior in our school and worked here on weekends. We had briefly acquainted over the past two years. Though our talk mostly consisted of 'Hey, is there anything good in the canteen?', 'Is there ever?', 'Good point, bye!', 'Yeah ciao!' I considered her one of the few decent girls in our school.

She waved back happily as soon as she saw my smile. She lifted the cup she was sipping from earlier.  "Want some latte?"

I shook my head, "Waiting for someone." Vaguely I wondered if she got coffee for free since she worked here. In that case, I'd apply instantly.

She wiggled her eyebrows. "Colton Hastings huh?"

I rolled my eyes, scanning the area for any sign of him. I wasn't surprised she knew about us. Everyone knew about us. "Yeah, he hasn't come yet?"

Amy shrugged, pointing her thumb at another girl who was serving an old couple some coffee. "She hasn't jumped up giddily and opened up her top two buttons yet. So I'm guessing no hot guy has entered yet which means no, Colton hasn't come"

I chuckled heartily. "I guess not. He's rarely punctual. I'll grab us a seat."

"Try the left corner ones. They are under me, you don't want to worry about Colton drooling over her big boobs." She suggested, winking at me.

"I don't think he would." I muttered rolling my eyes.

"He's a guy honey. He would." She said politely.

I scowled at her sarcastically. "Great help you are!"

She winked. "Have been told so before." Just then the bell rang and we looked over expecting to see my hot boyfriend walk in with confidence, instead in walked my ex-boyfriend looking miserable.

"Isn't that Kevin Hall, your ex?" Amy whispered, whistling softly. "Should I anticipate some drama?"

I blew a huff of air. "I hope not." I whispered back. Just then Kevin lifted his head, looking straight at me. His lips instantly turned upwards and his face brightened. I felt a pang of hurt that I didn't share his sentiments. He was a great guy - is, he is a great guy!

"Hey, you didn't come to the party." He spoke, walking towards me. There was no accusation in his tone, just plain curiosity.

I coughed awkwardly. "Yeah um we decided to have a night in. You know just movies and food."

"You four girls? That's nice, you have always loved that." He grinned. I wasn't surprised that he remembered what I loved. I knew I remembered tons of stuff about him.

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