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There she is. My beautiful Annabel. She looks radiant under the street light. When I was informed that my sweet, innocent Annabel was going to a party, I simply had to see her. I wanted to be the first to see her. Her brown hair shone in the light, her porcelain skin giving off an evening glow. Her red dress hung to all her curves perfectly.

I growl as she grabs her boyfriend's hand. I'm in love with my sweetest Annabel... sadly, she doesn't know I exist... at least until she remembers. She grew up beautifully, no matter what life threw at her.

I glance at the clock. It's almost time. I have waited two years for this, and I fully intend to take advantage of this situation. I chuckle softly. Oh Annabel you'll be mine very soon.

Kidnapped {Jason McCann} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now