Tears fall from my cheeks without warning. I feel weak as I fall down to my knees, unable to walk any further. I let out a scream similar to Kerri's. Oh, this can't be . . .


I sit in the waiting room with Kerri, Terrance, Jason's parents, my mom, Leslie, Charles, Ashlee, and Jasmine. I rest my head on Kerri's shoulder with my eyes closed reliving the last few hours. I haven't stopped crying, since the incident. I haven't seen Cameron, or any of his family. I haven't even tried contacting him. I'm so afraid that he is the one who did this to Jason.

The last time the doctor spoke to us was a couple hours ago, when they said that he was in a coma and lost entirely too much blood. He was shot twice in the chest right underneath his heart. They don't know if he will be able to pull through. And if he does, who knows what damages are done mentally and physically?

Evelyn sits by herself in the corner, saying silent prayers for her son. Nicholas haven't stopped pacing, since they got here. My mom sits next to me, trying to comfort me. I don't need comfort. I need Jason. I need to know that he's okay.

Kerri gives my hand a light squeeze, and I give a sad smile. This so reminds me of Jason always trying to squeeze my hand to let me know things are going to be okay. We knew no matter what that we always had each other. Fuck them. He said this pertaining to my mom and his parents. This was when we were in love.


I listen to the love songs playing on the radio. All these songs make me think of my relationship with Jason. I think about where we had started and how we're ending it in another day, or so. I know I'm young, but I know how it is to be in love. He makes me feel a certain type of way that I can't attempt to describe. I just love him with everything inside of me.

Jason glances at me and gives me a wink. I wink right back at him.

"I love you, Jay."

"I know. I love you more." He sticks his tongue out at me.

He is usually the person that says it first. Maybe he does love me more. Only time will tell.

My phone vibrates on my leg, and I pick it up to see that it's my brother calling. I sigh and set the phone down. I've been ignoring everyone's phone calls. No one didn't want to listen, when we tried to tell them that we were in love. Now I got the whole city blowing my phone up every three seconds. His father had sent me about a dozen text messages, telling me to have Jason call him. Jason isn't trying to talk to his father.

My mom hasn't called me in the last two hours, but she had sent me a few messages in that time frame. I know that her heart is probably breaking with each message that she sends to my phone. That's probably why my brother's been blowing my phone up in the last four hours.

My phone vibrates with a message from Charles. Charles rarely sends messages to me. I open the message quickly to see what he has to say.

Call me now. Im not around momma. I just want to talk to you. Brother to sister.

I put my phone back down on my leg, thinking about his message. I know that he's going to try to talk me out of my decision and for me to just go back home, but I'm tired of doing what everyone wants me to do.

I turn the music down and pick my phone up again. I quickly dial Charles' number. I swear if he puts me on speakerphone, I'm hanging the damn phone up. I swear that if he's around Jason's parents, or my mother, he's getting the dial tone. I'm not going for any negativity. Jason and I are getting married in a couple days, and I'm not trying to get any negative vibes. They can all kiss my ass, if they aren't on board. Like Jason had said, Team Jay and Mel.

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