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I open the door to see Cameron standing there with a big smile on his face. He really does like popping up at my house like that's normal.

I move out the way to invite him in. "Hey, Cameron."

Instead of walking in, he wraps his arms around my body and gives me a big hug like we're long time friends. I loosely put my arms around his neck feeling uncomfortable. Damn, he smells great.

He releases me and walks into my house. "Well, I haven't heard from you in a few days, so I decided to come over. Maybe we can go to the movies, or out to eat?

I just stare at him, wondering who the hell raised this boy to make him think that it's okay to just come to someone's house to ask them out on a date. I mean, he could have called, or text that.

"I told you that I'm back with my ex, didn't I?"


Fear takes over my body as Cameron closes the door. Since Cameron put his hands on me earlier today, I've been trying to stay to myself. I'm still in shock that he could hit me and threaten me. He just showed me that I didn't know him well at all. I just keep thinking about how this is everything that I deserved, because of everything that I did to Jason.

"You told him where we stay?"

I shake my head, inching away from him.

"How did he know where we stayed?"

I'm still trying to answer this question. What the hell is Kerri trying to do to my relationship with Cameron? I mean the damn girl called me and told me that my husband, my ex, is parked outside. Why the hell would she do that to me? My plan was to just stop talking to Jason altogether, because I don't want to risk upsetting Cameron further. He already showed me that he has quite the temper on him, when pushed.

Cameron leans against the door, burying his face in his hands. He lets out a frustrating growl that causes me to jump. He removes his hands from his face, staring me down. Tears spring to my eyes, because I don't know exactly what he's thinking. Cameron has placed fear in my heart. I hug my body and divert my eyes away from his death glare.

"Marcus should have killed his ass." He says, still staring at me.

I bring my eyes to his and open my mouth in complete horror that he can say something like that. What's more, to my face. I snap my mouth close, when I realize that I'm still gaping at what he said. I understand that he has a huge dislike for Jason, but I will always fail to understand why. I can understand why Jason doesn't like him, because Cameron has always disrespected my relationship Jason. I wish that I can reverse time and take back all my mistakes that I made. I don't want to be with someone like Cameron.

As many things as Jason as I have done to one another, he had never hit me. He would get in my face, punch holes in my wall, curse me out, and maybe call me names, but he had never once put his hands on me. I'm sure that I'd probably deserve it a couple times, because he just didn't deserve the way that I treated him.

I hug my body, feeling cold. I just want to lie down and forget about tonight. I don't want to argue with Cameron. It's why I'm not saying too much of anything to him. I don't know what will trigger him, and I'm not trying to be his punching bag tonight. The room feels cold as he continues eyeing me, and I don't break eye contact with him. I'm so afraid of what he's capable of doing to me. I suddenly wish that I would have grabbed Jason's hand outside.

Cameron goes into his pocket and pulls out a ring box. This fool better not fix his lips to propose to me. He fingers the box, before opening it. He takes the ring out, looking at me. My eyes shoot from the ring to his face, scare that he might actually be dumb enough to propose. Hell, I'm scared enough to say yes to him just to keep him calm.

"I bought this ring for you months back." He licks his lips, before continuing. "I wanted to marry you."

Wanted? He doesn't anymore? I blink a couple times, biting my lip. I wish that I can stop crying.

"Where you want to be?" He looks directly into my eyes, when asking me this question.

I look away from his intense stare. "Jason."

See, I wanted to be with him and was considering marriage, but him putting his hands on me is something that I'm not willing to put up with. I've heard the horror stories of the shit that my father had done to my mom, and I don't want to be in a relationship with that.

I blink back tears, looking down at my feet. When I don't hear a sound from Cameron, I look back up at him. He's staring down at the ring. He looks back at me, and I catch a hint of hurt behind his stare.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "I have never hit a woman before. I damn sure didn't mean to snap out on you like that."

I hastily wipe my tears from my cheeks, wishing that we can just lay down. He knows that I'm not going to accept his proposal, just as well as he knows that we won't be the same.


I reach underneath the mat and grab the spare key. It's a little after three in the morning when I make it to his house. After Cameron and I talked, I waited for him to go to bed, before grabbing my car keys and once again sneaking out the house. The only difference is that I took half of my belongings with me this time.

The more that I laid in bed with Cameron, the more that I thought about him telling me that he will pass me to his boys. I thought about how he literally choked the hell out of me. The mark that I still have on my face from the slaps that he gave me. Finally, after I knew that he was sleep, I packed my things and headed over to Jason's house. I'm not sure if Jason meant everything that he said to me about wanting to be with me, but I'm willing to find out.

I open his front door, and I walk through the house. I head straight for the basement, wondering if he's down there. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves a bit. I ease my way down the stairs, not wanting to make any of the steps creak. When I get to the basement, I see him laying on the couch with his phone on his chest and his eyes are closed. The television is on, but not a sound coming from it. He must have it on mute.

I walk over to the couch and watch him sleep. I want to crawl on the couch with him and curl up with him the way that we used to do. While watching him, I think about all the good memories that him and I had. I lean over and kiss his forehead.

I look up at our bedroom, that's completely dark. I walk the few steps to our bedroom and walk over to the bed. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I flip the lamp on. I look around our bedroom, wondering if Jason and I could really make this work this time for real, or will this be like any other time.

What I really want is for me and him to fall so easily in love with one another one more time. I want us to be like we were before I begun tripping over mistakes with Cameron. Laying down on his bed, I pull one of his pillows to cuddle with it. In the morning, him and I will talk about us.

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