22 - KERRI

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I end the call that I just made to Jason's phone. I'm still getting the damn voicemail. I get up from the couch and begin pacing. I already know that he's out somewhere with his whatever the hell she is. He tried to tell me at lunch that she is his new girlfriend, but how the hell is that possible? The man is married to Melissa.

I make my way back to the couch, allowing myself to get upset with Jason. I think he is smart and stupid at the same time. I already know that he is somewhere with his dick inside Ashlee. Hell, I've seen the way the girl looks at him like he is something wonderful. If he doesn't be careful, this girl is going to fall in love with his ass. I don't understand why he just can't be single. He is such a dummy. It's like he's trying to keep up with Mel.

And let me not get started on the yellow girl that showed up at his door, pretending to be crazy. I'll show her crazy. I may not be from Atlanta, but baby I was born and raised in Chicago. We don't pretend, we are crazy.

All around I've just come to realize that Jason has more drama than when Mel was sneaking off with Cameron. This boy . . .

My phone rings, and I damn near jump off the couch. I look at my phone screen to see that it's Terrance calling me. I frown up a little, wondering what the hell he wants.

I clear my throat and answer the call. "Hello?" I try to sound cheerful.

"You're still fucking Antonio?"

I roll my eyes at his question. He knows damn well that I'm not talking to Antonio. "What do you want?"

"I'm just asking, because you told me that he drove down there with your ass. I just saw him a couple hours ago. Why you lied?"

To make your ass jealous is what I want to say, but I decide against it. "So, I lied. Are you calling me to tell me that?"

"When are you coming back to Chicago?"

I think about his question for a moment. I can tell by the way that he's asking me, that he wants us to have a second talk.

"I thought you told me that we were done?" I ask him. I don't know why I'm playing stupid, when I know that I miss him. I really want him back in my life.

Terrance sighs a little. "I did. Look, you did a fucked up thing. I don't know if I will be able to forgive you for that shit, but . . . " He sighs again. Whatever he is trying to say, he is having a difficult time getting it out. "Kerri, I fucked up too. When you leave for school, I want to wait for you. I want us to get engaged or some shit."

What the fuck? "Was that a proposal?" I sit up on the couch. This fool did not just give me the most ghetto proposal that I have ever heard in my life, did he? Did he really just say we should get engaged, or some shit? The fuck?

"I'm just saying that I'm going to do right by you, and I understand completely. I just wish that you would have talked to me about your concerns. You know that I love the shit out of you. You're my Bonnie, and I'm your Clyde, baby."

I'm so glad that he can't see the little smile that's creeping on my face. "I don't feel it at times."

"I know." Terrance is quiet for a moment. "Listen, them other girls don't mean shit to me. I just want you. When you told me that you were pregnant, I figure that it was time for me to step up and be what you need me to be."

"I know that you were trying, but I just couldn't see us raising a child together. We argue all the time."

"We argue, because we're passionate about each other. I love you. I want to marry you."

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