Night of the Animal

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I worked really hard for this story! Please read! It is NOT a werewolf story... well... not MEANT to be a werewolf story if you consider it one of those.  It deserves to be read and probably is better than the horror stories I attempted earlier.  There may be some coarse language, violence, and awkward scenes, so you are warned!

I looked through my closet, skimming through all of the clothes.  Today was the day I would meet my dream boyfriend, Jack Ebony.  His hair looks dark brown that is very handsome when he jells it back.  He is very skinny, and I have felt his thick muscles buldge beneath my hands once when we were at band camp; it was the best day of my life.  Britney Hect will not be made fun of for once and she will be very popular in collage! I thought hopefully as I picked up a dark-washed jeans.  She will not have friends just because of how much money she has! I threw a dark blue shirt out of the closet to the bed and started towards it.

My room was styled for geeks, was what I thought it looked like to me.  Harry Potter dominated the walls on the right, with pictures of him with his friends all seven years of his school in order.  Below that was a dresser with horse figures all lined up in a fake setting I spent hours making.  All of the horses were what I could only find in antique shops, and most were glass that looked like miny real horses.  Books about horses were shoved in shelves next to the dresser, and information about different breeds of horses were tacked to the wall.  I really fascinated animals, as I wanted to be a veterinarian when I got out of collage, even though I never had any.  I read up on certain animals sometimes, but nothing would please me more than getting one.

On an opposite wall, there was a flat screened TV and posters from Family Guy made a neat ring around.  I wanted to be funny like the characters, but no matter how many episodes I watch, I never am able to put a lasting smile on anyone's face.  Even though that is true, I never cease to watch their show.  I find it funny, so I guess it doesn't matter!  On another wall, all my favorite songs are placed strategically around, and this is what I focus on most.  The songs put a feeling of happiness in me that can not be replicated by anything.  I have Imagine Dragons up there with two pictures-one of their song Radioactive and another of Demons.  

The last wall is lined with information I collected from school and research.  A Periotic Table of Elements is placed next to a picture of Einstein, there's a picture of human anatomy, a list of things to do in case of emergencies (heart attack, seizure, ect.), and plenty more informational things.  I pay plenty of attention in school and sometimes find it overly necessary to write down everything the teacher tells us, which labels me different by my classmates and leads to me getting picked on.  All I ever want to do is make friends, but I never have any chance, until today.

I undressed into the outfit I picked out and evaluated it, wiping away any wrinkles I see and adding anything I think may be necessary. I crossed to the door of my bedroom and swinged it open with a grin.  I went down the stairs to the table in the kitchen and sat down.  My mother was frying scrambled eggs and toasting toast, my father was typing on his computer, and my sister was finishing a report she should have done the day before.  

"Oh come on!" I joked sitting next to my sister, "You never do your homework, why don't you start doing so, Julia?"  She went on writing hurriedly.

"I don't know, why don't you start minding your own buisiness?"  She barked back dramatically putting a period mark on her paper. "Done!" she said and grabbed for her backpack.  I sighed and started eating.  Julia really wasn't too into school like me, she'd rather play around with all of her friends.

"When are you going to bring your friends home?" my mother questioned raising an eyebrow mockingly, "Are you embarrassed at us?  You know you can just tell us if you are! Right, Randy?" she turned towards my father.

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